"Any more like me and I'll lose the franchise."-Rodney Skinner
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, 2003

so here I found this great quote all about being unique and fabulous and all, not to mention that it was a great graphic novel, a way fun movie, and hey, the guy's name is Skinner, what's not to love. And yet, I find myself with very little to say this week. I have an earache. Possibly mouth related, or maybe the sore ear is what's making my jaw ache. I dunno.
Payday, but also rent and bills day, so I'm pretty broke.
Mr and Miss pageant in a week. One candidate, I think she'll win. I am doing an angstfest song for no other reason than to see The Sentinel up on the big screen *LOL Well, that and doing the song before someone else does, cos I love it. okay, and maybe just a smidge of 'man, how many times do we have to do this little psychotic GLCR dance?'. But just a smidge.
I'm a little tired, kinda hungry, and about ready for bed. This was the last update, though I imagine there may be more quotes after brunch. We'll see.
Oh, I know--big bro, thank you for seeing me. Made my whole week.
And I don't want to sound maudlin, cos I'm not all weepy or nuthin, but it would have been my brother's 39th birthday on April 28. Was thinking bout him lots, and I decided the one thing that I wish he'd been here for more than anything is South Park. Every time I watch it, I think how it would have totally played to his sense of humour! Ah, well, all things for a reason, right?
Okay, Dodger fans, and you know who you are, bedtime. See you all soon!