Sam: Everything’s getting shittier. My family forgetting my birthday just makes it more vivid.
Sixteen Candles, 1984

Happy birthday Mick! I thank God in about a billion different ways that he has allowed us all the pure pleasure of your friendship for all this time! Believe me, we know how blessed we are. Now, don't think I'm all Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm here, though--I'd near about kill a stranger for that day at Disneyland witch'all. I'm selfish that way *L*
Exhausted, and still--*still* petitioning for 36 hour days. Pages of story languishing in notebooks for I have no time to be putting them in the computer. My house was barely recovered from Cougaritaville--you oughta see the pics by the by--and the parental units have descended complete with new niece attachment. My big panther scared her.
Oh, and that's another thing. Do I want to be the black panther or the white wolf? Hmmm...technically I'm more of a top but still, there's something very appealing in being the Sandburg in any couple...prolly, ebony, not black--less militant sixties beret wearin mofus, if you know what I mean. I guess we'll have to see if the husband and ex wife get their collective shit together first. Remember boys, I'm here if you need me, title or no.
I hope the kids show goes well tonight. I'm sorry to miss it, but we're doing the family trek to Milestone to see my aunt and uncle and cousins today after brunch. Oh, and we're off to Classic buffet, cos I've a hankerin' for choc. covered cinnamon buns!

Once again, Mick, yes, today, it *is* all about you. Cheers,