"Merry Christmas, movie house! Merry Christmas, Emporium! Merry Christmas, you wonderful old Building and Loan!"
-It's A Wonderful Life, 1946

Thank you mom and dad, not only for gifts, but for saying that you finally feel that I don't "need" anything, so you could get me something I "wanted". Thank you Rob for working so hard to take care of your family and still finding a way to send me something really special, every time! All my family, aunts, uncles, cousins, 1/2 nieces and nephews, second cousins, you name it, you are all family and I hope you all know you can call on me. Brent, Bernie, Jae, Ryan, Neal, John, thank you all for finding time to visit during your trip(s) to Saskatchewan, and reminding me that friendship supercedes all distance and time. Louise, thank you for being a constant in a changing world. Thank you for the honour of being a godmother, and while we're at it, hug the stuffing out of all your boys for me, and thank them all for being a family I can live vicariously through. Michael, thank you for patience and just being there, you know? Oh, and for Cinderella, too!

Lori, Laurie, Chad, Ursula, Jo, LS, JD, Medusa, Sandy, Bertie, Avir, bc, Terry, Amanda, KotJ, Charly, Logan, Yja, JLightstar, JB Fox, XOK, Xhaling, BitN, Xtreme Mulder, MSklist, Slashwriters--I'm so afraid I'll miss someone--all of you, virtual family o mine. Though we've never met, though the miles may be unbelievable between us, you have all made my life complete in a way that makes me tremble when I think what I would have missed without you all. Thank you so much. Susan, my most generous friend, I miss you and hope to someday show you round my corner of the world with as much kindness as you showed me!

At home, or at least closer to home, the list is just as long, and just as full of truly amazing people that I continue to be grateful for on a regular basis: Shane, Thane, Deedz, Thomas, Martin, Kerry, Clint, Curt, Gerrard, Geoff, Lee, Troy, Kim, Zak, Dorian, Graham, Marlon, Fred, PtCS, Tara, Ang, Toddy, Cassandra, Troy, Richard, Marilyn, Holly, Leonard and everyone on the Solution Teams, Vern, Abbie, Dave, so many of you, and I know I'm missing names like crazy, but you're in my heart just the same, from Schulhauser and his hair extensions, to the pitcher-of-rye-at-last-call guy that always tips so well. You took a suicidal codependent mess and gave her a community to believe in and put her back up against while she put herself back together. Thank you for taking this journey with me. Sherrie, Joe, Tyra, Kris, Raymond, Elaine, Jason, Whitney, Barkley, you might not be able to pop round for coffee as much as I'd like, but know there's always going to be a cuppa here for you, no matter where you're at. Mitchell, what we have has surprised and delighted me on a daily basis, from bucket o chicken to anything X--thanks, husband! As Magneto might say to Storm in a fight: Baby I'm Amazed By You.

Jaxon, thank you for one of the most giving friendships it's ever been my honour to have--you make it all so easy, with a smile and a hug, and I'm so grateful! Mick, I don't know if there are words. But if there were, you'd turn them into an amazing story, I know you would. What can I say, beyond I thank God for you every day of my life.

Fox, Walter, Jim, Blair--what you guys do to me oughta be illegal. X

You do realize that this list could go on and on probably until next Christmas *L* My friend Michael once said to me; I miss you; Christmas just makes it more vivid. Well, whether it's missing or loving, or holding or letting go or touching or writing or painting or laughing with or enjoying, or fearing for or praying with or wishing for or acting with or any combination of the above, know that Christmas does make it more vivid, but that my feelings remain the same the other 364 days of the year too!

Happy Christmas, all, Peace be with you.