"Klaatu, barada, nikto." The Day The Earth Stood Still, 1951

Did I mention I heart jump-start? Well, that's the theme this week. Ups and downs. I feel so stupid on the job some days that I just want to hide under my desk with a bucket of chicken and never come out. But then, I rebound with some complete know nothing from the new hires that makes me feel like a freakin' Einstein! *L* And then tonight, well, lets just say I felt really smart--and not just SMRT, either. Not that that is necessarily a good thing, but some days you just have to enjoy it a little, before buckling down, doing the help out thing and getting through this rough patch.

ah, Shane, ami, so good to see you. And sounds like things are going well for you. We need to spend more time together. I know, I'm no Shmoo--no backstage passes or unlimited medicinal marijuana here, but hey, love ya anyway. Besides, I want to torment you with Sentinel hugs *LOL

Speaking of that dirty little affair, do not ask me about how bad my day was Thursday--so bad that I couldn't justify buying Frasier season two and did it anyway *L* Nice t-shirt and the hair touching--whew, extra points there. I wonder if he dropped his voice like that on purpose. I'm obsessed, it's a sickness, what can I say? I wish Deb Baker had written top Jim stories, then I might lose another 70 lbs *L* Speaking of writing--new Katrina story from Mick coming soon. I think I just peed a little!!

the gang are in S'toon this weekend, so will be a quiet brunch. Dont know what TV night might bring--they may be gone all day. If not, well, they know where the coffee maker is *L*

Neal, tell your mom to email me!

Frere et autre frere (wow, how's that for bastardized French? *LOL) I revel in the two of you! In that vanilla way, I mean.