"This job would be great if it wasn't for the fucking customers."
--Clerks, 1994

Ah, Telegence, I hate you so! I wish there was some way to just be good at it. But everything takes so much time with me. The poor customers. And I even got an escalation--how mental is that??? Deb, by the way rocks big time--she's a super help. Now I just have to get through Tuesday, then I can go back to being plain ol' Solutions gal. I hope that starts going better, too. Bert's been very patient and I appreciate that. Luckily, they're so short staffed now that I'd have to be a real slack ass--which they know I'm anything but--to get in trouble. so I persevere.
The Sentinel is still berry berry good to me *L* Poor Dor. This Sandburg's a bottom thing has really taken on a life of its own. I'm thinking we should take an ad out in the paper or something...I did give him his 10% at the show last night, though.
Speaking of shows, the youth group kids were great, oh and hey, thanks, Kim for clean up help. I think Oscars will be really fun. I hope I can muddle through the rest of that weekend.
Did I mention David Geiss is having me on the radio show week after next to talk about slash? With someone who writes Harry Potter for gawd's sake. *L* OI! Well, I can announce Blair's preference and brag up Fox and Walt all at the same time. Coolness :)
As usual, not enough hours in the day, but I can skip sleep on Sat nights now, cos I've got Mondays off. Trust me, it makes sense.
New place for brunch tomorrow; we'll let you know how it goes.
Love you bunches, all of you--and you know who you are!