Went to Calgary last week.
Was terrific. See LJ for the Krispy Kreme adventure. Got to see my godson
and his family--Hi Louise! Hi Greg! Hi boys!! They're growing up so fast.
Jordi is *so* one of mine, I think. And I will forever be wondering about
unpredictable salad! Jen's terrific! (my niece) and Mike's been at Mickey
Ds for six mos now! (my nephew) and so freakin' tall! Good luck Rob and
Betty, know you're in my prayers! Neal, brill to see you--thanks for shopping
with me! (I shoulda bought the Skinner bear!) When I got home, I had the
best bunny chat in ever! Oh, and Chad was on line Friday night!! Suffice
to say, between all that and the Blind Man's Bluff ep of the Sentinel,
then watching Memento Mori with Mitchell, whose hair is getting long, it's
been quite the stimulating week.
The Str8 guy doesn't read
this, I don't think, but hey, I'm sad that you're gone, cos I don't work
well with the ladies. ("This comes from the ladies"--Wesley, Smile Time)
But we'll muddle thru. Just know if it doesn't work out, we're still here
for you. In the meantime, hug your kids for me!!
Working Saturdays is cool,
and I LOVE having Mondays off. Totally rocks my world on a zillion levels.
All packages finally got
where they were going 'cept Lori and Tom's but I found out--that hundred
dollar insurance you put on shit in the mail w/out thinking about it--yeah,
you really get that back! who knew?? So I have to get a couple things--picked
up the stuff for Bruce and Les last night--we had more. What a pisser,
though....Sorry, my NC family--love ya!
My writing's all over the
map--Clark/Lex, Jim/Blair, Mulder/Skinner. But the words are coming fast
and furious, so I'm happy about that. I hope that mon frere is finding
words as well.
It's already February, can
you freakin' believe that?!
Okay, must run, going to
try and get this out before brunch. Wish me luck! *L*
Hugs, prayers, good thoughts,
to all of you, and you know who you are!