Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.--Casablanca, 1942

Ah, New Year's Eve at the GLCR. Do you realize in the 18 years I've lived here, there have only been two new year's eves that I have not worked. Jae was saying at lunch yesterday that he hadn't gone to the bar for NYE before, but that's not true, cos he was indirectly responsible for NY1994, when I lost control of the English language, earned a record for most Blanches consumed in one night (40 single, 4 double) and nearly died choking on the worst cup of coffee ever made.

Did I mention how good it was to see Jae, and to know that he's happy. Oh, and for the record, Ryan's so not hard on the eyes *L*

Oh, so back to the club--apparently Dorian redressed the bathroom in technicolour reused porn star shooters, exclaimed "End scene! End scene!" and fled into the night. Matt's so getting a wake up call so I can see his green ass at brunch today *L* Nobody was really sketchy, the food must have been good, cos it was gone in a flash, and the music was festive. They had good prizes like a portable dvd player n free drinks n rep stuff, too. Bear, Bunny, more promo stuff headed your way. We had a hawaiian theme, so there are leis everywhere, and even if I did give Shane the best lei of his life, the joke was pretty thin by five am. It really is too bad Graham's straight. I'd love to have a relationship with him. No, not the nasty sex n stuff, but all the other stuff. But that breeder wall is too high to jump, I think. He did bite me last night, though; is that a good sign?

I cut my finger on glass at the end of the night and it's still bleeding and hurts like a bitch. But made glorious tips, and even had a couple of shooters. Lee had a crappy night, and Brian and Troy were both spoiling for a fight, but like I say, no drama. Or as Mulder said in "Millenium", the world didn't end.

I am going to be a better efriend this year, write more, worry less, continue my spiritual journey, and get a tatoo.

Happy New year, all!