Toga!  Toga!

Ah, nice weekend. Boy am I tired though. First off, happy freakin' birthday Jason!! God, I miss you and Whit so much! Wish you had been here to drink with us, though it sounds like drinking was done to our satisfaction anyway. Whit tells a great story!
The show was fun! No, really. Just fun. Relaxed, and people drink alot!! *L* But everyone had a good time, good numbers all round--Anastasia at the trough will be a classic moment forever. Nice boots, lady! Thom hosted and that was a nice change. And he enjoyed it too, I think. Lloyd was in from Edmonton which was fun--nice guy. Dor sitting on his lap looked a little dirty to me *LOL
The club's in turmoil, you know, cos it's January and all. I hope Graham doesn't get hurt in the lesbian spewing going on. Shane quit--shocker! Hope he finds something to make him happy soon. And Geoff is going to be quitting, cos full time at the bar and a full time job on top of it? Yeah, so not working! but this too shall pass, as it always does. Wonder who I'll be bartending for next--you know it's been damned near 18 years I've been doing this?! Gak.
Been thinking bout the bad old days, which I don't usually do until May. It's all good, though. Just friendship stuff mostly. Do you guys remember that dentist appointment and the anonymous card? I do....
Brunch was terrific. Fun and we ran outta food cos it was busy. Yay us all makin money n shit....*LOL The youth group again did fantastic with their numbers. Only shows they can really do so they work that room hard.
I could go on and on, but I need to go to the bank and get some money cos we're doing Chinese and the Golden Globes tonight.
Happy birthday to my sister in law Betty!!!