"I wish I knew how to quit you."
Brokeback Mountain, 2006

Payday was good and I got some things done that needed doin'. Don't know how I feel about the new gal in charge. First night, so I'm giving all benefit of the doubt at this time. I do feel happy for Graham's kids. 'nuff said about that. Derek called, if you can believe that, and is going to be in town on Thurs. Wants to get together. I'll have to buy wine *LOL I can't wait to see him! Silly boy didn't leave me a phone number, though. Hopefully he'll call back before then so we can make plans.

God, I love having Mondays off, so I can fritter away my Saturday nights right here, doing this, or doing nothing.

I've been drabbling at work, trying to put into words the things I see in my mind. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not, but I'll get 'em uploaded and you can tell me.

There's a sadness lurking in the back of my head, one that is only half formed and I can only hope it's never fully realized, cos I just don't know how I feel about that. Sorta like a Sentinel losing his Guide, or an assistant director, looking back as he's taken into that little room. Yikes....

On the other hand, life is remarkably good right now. I'm off to Calgary for Dad's b-day on the 31st, and I could afford it and everything. Pretty freakin' cool. And only took me 40 years to get here *LOL

I'm getting sleepy now, and was going to pull an all nighter, but best I put this thing out there and try to catch a couple hours at any rate....