"Mutation: it is the key to our evolution. It has enabled us to evolve from a single-celled organism into the dominant species on the planet. This process is slow, and normally taking thousands and thousands of years. But every few hundred millennia, evolution leaps forward."
-XMEN, 2000

Gah. Another crappy period come and gone. Why oh why will they not just yank the plumbing. Who gives a crap about a moustache?! It would be so worth it. At least we appear polyp free, although a follow up is scheduled after next month's week of bleeding death. Here's hopin' I was just planning on feeding quadruplets last couple of months.
Show tonight was so fun. Troy and Toddy were terrific. Boy, if they had the commitment, what a force they'd be to be reckoned with! Was nice to be late, to not write protocol, and to remind the world at large that Blair Sandburg is a big bottom! *LOL I love sharing an injoke with an entire room. Mitchell, you were super, Dor, you scare me! I heart Winnipeg!! Thanks for coming guys, you rock my world! Jiminy, you read good porn! Or is that read porn good? *LOL
ah, Monday was brilliant but I need a marathon session!!
I'm going to Calgary and need to pack and all. Brunch at noon at sevens if you're into that ;)
Sleep is for the weak!!!!
ps I need superpowers....enhanced senses....heck, I don't wanna make lightning, I just want a Guide who'll love me for me.