Striker: Surely you can't be serious.
Rumack: I am serious…and don't call me Shirley.

Ups and downs at work. Unresolved on Tuesday and thinking 'they made a mistake' and 'I can't do this job' and 'I should just quit now'. and then resolved on Wednesday, finished up callbacks, even some slow time, but lets face it, the main thing is "I HEART <love> JUMP START!" Bring on those kids who know nothing--even less than nothing, I'm not proud. Make me feel smart--SMRT *L* Doesn't take much to make me feel good *L*

Oi, speaking of feeling good--you should try this fucking tea!!! It's so good--Creamed Earl Grey--black tea with vanilla and caramel and lots of it, along with some holiday blend, courtesy of my bear and bunny and wow! Again with the whole feeling good thing. Oh, and the little plaque--frame--coffee cup thing, so cool and gave me the warm fuzzies. Love the pin too, and the spoon moves. You guys are the best thing that ever happened to me, I swear! Love you forever!

Got the last of Christmas mailed out *LOL Hey, gifts are good anytime, right? *L*

The fanzine arrived this week, and I know it's not that big a thing, and obviously not something I can pass around the table at family dinner, but I'll be blunt. I think the story I wrote was really good, and I love seeing it on paper. Thanks, Jo, for all your hard work.

ah, Dor, you think you're Sentinelly, but you have no idea where my head goes. I don't think you even read this, but thought I'd just say thanks for taking some of the trip with me. It's a little like saying prostate out loud with Susan that night at supper. You spend time in a fandom, and most of your thoughts are typed or in your head. When you can speak the words out loud, they may not be vindication, hell, you might not even need vindication, but still, it's very very cool.

My "X" husband said he'd be here an hour ago when he called me drunk at 2 am this morning *LOL. So I'll look for him about one. I'm going to do some more updating, and with any luck, I can post Dor's story as well as some stuff of my own on Sunday...or maybe Monday *L*

I'm in a good place right this minute. Oh, and I'm the keeper of Blair's cold medicine. Cheers!