"Canadians are always dreaming up a lotta ways to ruin our lives. The metric system, for the love of God! Celsius! Neil Young!"
-Gus, Canadian Bacon, 1995

Long week at work, but thankfully resolved, and with any luck we'll get the "is rez productive" crap overwith and go back to doing our jobs. Plus, stat holiday today, which is 30 bucks an hour to you and me, and will be on next week's paycheque, which is a rent cheque, so it never suffers from a little padding. I'm trying to get my house in some kind of order, but I feel really out of it and disjointed lately, and it shows, in the garbage, the dishes, the storage room, the fat, the smokes, the lack of cohesive writing leading to posting. I don't know quite what the issue is, but I'm sure my bleary subconscious will puke it up eventually so I can look at it, analyze it to death, complain about it, process it and possibly move on.
For those of you who just look for your own quotes, please note that the incarnations, index, slash and this page all have fabulous Canada Day tribute quotes on 'em.
Skipped the fireworks except for a quick peek from the front door. Nice enough, but I just had no urge to be out and about. And then Thom and Martin and Dor came over for coffee and that was just fine. Martin, you've got to shut up--you just monopolize the conversation 24/7 *LOL Being married to Anne will do that to ya ;)
Hi Brent! How was your Canada day?
Hi Neal, you alive?
Hi, anyone else who wanders in here!
This is weird, and not really worth mentioning, although I mention it because I worked on my long XF/Sentinel piece tonight. I think I'm loathe to finish "More Than You Think You Are" now because I know Sandy won't get to read the end of it, and that makes me unbearably sad.
Speaking of fandom, omg! Garett Maggart and the faghags of Doom! saw the new moonridge pics and he looks terrific, but I gotta say, I'm disillusioned. I thought I was the only fat chick fanfic writer out there....*LOL!!!! I'm a little bit in love with everyone's hats ;) for more details, you'll have to follow the link to my LJ, and then to 1 Mad Squirrel's on my friendlist, cos she linked to all the moonridge pics. Seriously, if she wasn't so one of the family, I'd be doing GM in a heartbeat--he just looks wonderful! Plus, I know he'd make me laugh. Not like Burgi--that guy slays me--but he'd be so fun.
Okay, not much else new. Did you see the new Hoops and Yo yo Canada day card? I wanna kiss you right on the Saskatchewan.
Good place to say goodnight, gracie....