"You're going to need a bigger boat."
-Jaws, 1975

Here it comes, the week o doom. But remember, that which doesn't kill us makes us stronger, and that was does kill us is the basis for a religion ;) speaking of which, got the coolest factoid about my Rosary ring, and I'm lovin it. Oh, and I just have to share the Glory Be, cos I really love that too:
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

I just like the sound of it, as the Joker would say. Lots of shakeups at the bar coupled with no customers or so very few that it's painful, and everybody who's been there five minutes thinks they know what's going on, or have a better plan for the place, or think they'll get folks to come in early, or that the bottles should be just so, etc etc etc....Man, I just shake my head. Meet the new boss same as the old boss. Funny thing is, they'll all be gone, recycled, replaced, etc., and I'll still be trying to teach 'em how to make a decent Blanche, or what to charge for a vodka special. Makes me laugh and makes me sad at the same time.

Have enjoyed the attentions of my latest gay hubby alot, and even think I almost missed him for a minute or two this week--we've both been busy. Oh, and really enjoyed the bits with Anastasia in them, but we'll play that one by ear, now that she's gotten an anthropologist *LOL of her own. The more things change....But we all know that as long as I'm drawing breath--and hell, even after I'm not--I thought for a minute I was having a heart attack yesterday, but I prolly just pulled a muscle pulling draught *L*--that single gay boys will come and go and have coffee with their Aunty Mich. And the rest of the time I have XF and TS. So it's all good.

so, hey, Divas at the Owl on Saturday--gonna be a great time. Of course, more newbies, thinking they're all that and a bag of chips. We'll have to knock them down a little. I don't remember being that needy even when I was Empress. But I think that's cos even in the big hat, I was still just the faghag, so people had to be reminded when it was supposed to be all about me *LOL Even if I was off Sat during the day, I wouldn't be performing A because I'm a girl, and not a drag king or queen, just me and B cos we want to impress the breeders, and though I always know my words, I'm not tucking, or glittered up, or whatever. Plus C, mamma hates them breeder bars and am already spiking a bit anxiety wise over being surrounded by those people *L* Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm supposed to be one, but ew! Ah, but for love of my community, I'll suck it up, along with a few drinks, and muddle through. I have to poke Dorian with a stick for the music for Friday, though--we have rehearsal for that tomorrow.

Okay, updates are late and I need to get ready for brunch. Now this time I won't forget to upload them like I did last week. *L*

ps: Brent, Neal, Bernie, Jae, Louise, Michael, all y'all--been thinking boutcha!