Hackers (1995)
Dade Murphy: You look good in a dress.
Kate Libby: You would have looked better.

Apparently I look good in a dress--even sleeveless, which is way living dangerous in my book. I'm totally late with this cos I got very drunk last night. The room was weird, the sound was annoying, the food was amazing, Kim was cranky, Thane and Mitchell had issues, Yada didn't perform cos of something that happened in S'toon--Im so glad I don't go there! Leeland buggered off early, don't know what his damage was. On the other hand, Thomas and Martin were awesome, Shane actually showed up, and the youth group, as usual, were stupendous. The way they help out, I'll tell ya, I was feeling a little like Kathy Lee at the end of the night *LOL What did Dor say? Tiny hands make tiny stitches? *L* Anastasia couldn't breathe in her corset, apparently, but sent her capacity for alcohol consumption which is how I got the "bucking" story on my couch after Sentinel at four in the morning--you so don't wanna know *L* Oh, and nothin' says lovin' like sharing suicide attempt stories!
I'm going to be so broke this pay period. Ah, but such is life. I have to get my house clean cos Bernie's coming to visit on Thursday and staying here. I did get a barshift next Sat thank God, so I can survive til payday. No mailouts til then, unfortunately. I have to try and get Calgary's ball off as well. I'd love to be home for Easter but don't know if I can get a whole week off. We'll see.
Okay, since these are late, I'll leave it at that, and upload, then shower...actually, my head itches (too much hairspray) so shower, then upload.
See you all next week same journal of the mad time, same journal of the mad channel.