Klaatu barada nikto!
The Day The Earth Stood Still, 1951

drat. It's Mother's day and I totally forgot so who knows what's going to happen in brunchland. I couldn't get a reservation anywhere, so we're meeting at John's Place, but might have to go somewhere else. We'll see. I don't know what's happening in Andrea land but I think she was up for it. We can try Buffet Village if this pans out.
Work's fine. Too much callback, but I'm getting it narrowed down. Saturday was busy. Then I popped out to Montana's to wish Kerry a happy birthday. Was very cool to see him. I was whipped by the time I got home--swung by Chapters and got some coffee too--so I made an early night of it. Didn't even read porn if you can believe that! Okay, so I did read the transcript for this week's ep and checked out the new screencaps on Starfox's site, but that doesn't really count, does it? As Blair laughingly points out in Survival, "I got a problem" I don't know why I tumbled ovaries first into this fandom--well, that's not entirely true--I know exactly why, but that's another story for another dysfunctional day. In the meantime, I can seem to find time to wade through thousands of pages of fan fic a day, but no time for real life. Of course, there's always time for some things, but it's just stupid. In the meantime, I'll try to make it better.
Hey, did you know I'm going to be 41 in 3 weeks. How psycho is that?
Jason and Whit are cringing their way through season one of the Sentinel *L* I really REALLY wish I could be watching it with them.
I saw the new Amityville Horror last night--you could tell it was done by the Texas Chainsaw guys--looked the same. RR was really ripped in it. I remember the original, but the coolest amityville thing is Steven King's take on it--about how it was popular cos it's all about money, which was a big concern when it first came out--still is, but the focus is off that now. Still, had some peeking through my hand scary moments, for sure.
Thom and Martin are going to be homo....wners *LOL I'll check out the house tomorrow when we go for brekkie. It's far away again, though not unreasonable. What with it being Regina and all and everything just a 13 dollar cab ride away (used to be ten, but with the price of gas and all...) Okay, so I'm dangerously low on smokes, still need a shower, and distressed that brunch might be an egg mcmuffin in Andrea's van, so I better git while the gettin's good, or some shit like that. Take care all. Oh, and frere, ta for the offlines. God Bless.