"Fuck me gently with a chainsaw."

Drunken revelations: it's too bad I can't be with Tara, cos we prolly could have a great X time *L* Cooking chicken drunk is not as hard as you might think, though the mess after is no treat to come home to after 33 hrs sans sleep. When you skip night, you frequently wind up with a cold. Everything relates back to fanfic. I mean, everything. Dressing in drag and doing the hula is not an option, even if you're achin (yum yum) for some bacon (yum yum). There is no such thing as too much Sentinel porn. Southern Comfort and orange juice will win out against persimmons, dates and hashbrowns every time! I don't have to be that drunk to host. There will always be twenty somethings in my life. Karli is so dynamic on stage it's like he's a different person. Grease *is* the word. X is the best letter ever. And I've finally found peace in knowing that even though my ass is too big for the swings, and I'm too damned old for the slide, it is still my greatest pleasure to watch my kids on the playground.

Oh, and even tho James Ellison is really roomy, Blair Sandburg still bottoms!