My blanket! My blue blanket! Give me my blue blanket!--The Producers, 1968

Do you remember mIRC? God, now there was a crazy chatroom. Basic black on grey box with the most amazing people in it. And remember how AIM and Yahoo didn't work worth a damn? It's amazing how many people drifted in and out of that room. And the original Slashing Mulder list? I'd love to go back and get that list of all the damage done to Mulder throughout the years. I wonder if it's still archived. I think I tripped on cyber memory lane cos I was sadly reading some Smallville slash and found our gal Janet there--remember her, the one who needed a puppy and was, in her own way, slightly responsible for the demise of SM? Well, seeing all that CLex she wrote really explained alot of things. Deb Baker has a story in the archive I found too--typical yummy H/C. Her TS stuff squicked me for the most part, but she'll always be one of the top five most influential XF writers to me. We all know who number one is. (speaking of which, love you, bro, understand, lots of hard work, getting back to life, all that good stuff, but boy howdy wouldn't I just sell an ovary for new fic!!!!!) Okay, I'm over it now.
Our kids are coming home!!!! Can you say 'bout fucking time? *LOL seriously, so happy could cry, for real!!!! It's just not been the same, and there's been too many of those 'Gak, there's people missing from the couch!' moments. Plus, hello, new fandoms for us to share!! I'm totally counting down the days and I hope it totally works out.
Had a moment last night with miss Sexington that felt really nice, and couldn't keep my hands off Dor's hair. sorry bout that poodle. Lindsay was cool, so was Trixie. Who knew? The bar is the bar, and though I did actually say out loud "I hate this bar!" I didn't really mean it, and I know this too shall pass. It has to, right?
It's been nice and rainy here, and I love that.
Jae went and saw Erasure in Seattle and that was very cool! Also, he and le doctor bought a house. Double cool. The deck's not the same w/out him, never will be. But these things happen. Michael phoned me on the computer the other night and that was freakin' awesome to connect with him. I have got to get together with him somehow. I miss those days....
Oi, listen to me, I sound like....well, okay I sound like me every spring, but here it is only a month away from official summer, you'd think I'd be done with the nostalgia for another year. Oh well, again, see above. This too shall pass. And there really is no such thing as too much Sentinel porn...although, I've been thinking about M/Sk and that little cabin up by Banff.....
Okay, brunch awaits. Gotta book. Love you all!!!