The Internet is a communication tool used the world over where people can come together to bitch about movies and share pornography with one another. --Holden
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, 2001

What can I say? It was a week. Work was up and down. Luckily, after Friday near bout roont me, as they say, Saturday was a cake walk with lots of time in between calls and very easy calls. I love days like that.
It was mr and miss gay weekend! I missed Tyra and Breyanna and wish they could have been here. I had a good time, even without my Sentinel video--I still got to play Blair's press conference in the bar and then sing "How Far." Meaningful to my friends as a song I love and in turn love them. Prolly not so meaningful to the board who are all complete idiots, and the less I have to do with them the better, although it seems if I walk away, they wreck my bar. How to balance, that's the key. We'll see what happens when the new manager comes to town....
I looked amazing for a fat broad both nights, and am totally in love with my new blouse, that I shouldn't have bought and couldn't afford, and I don't care. Just four more days til payday, and then I can mail all that needs to be mailed, buy groceries, and I might even get wacky and pay a bill *L*
The show on Saturday was terrific--all kinds of fun numbers, and I'm so happy Korinne (am I spelling that right) got to perform. And a special thank you to Dutchie for keeping my glass full *LOL ps Eggplant Rev rocks :)
I miss the fuck outta my CA brothers and hope to talk to them soon. And I pray that Jase and Whit find the home they need to be the family they want to be, whether it's here or there (but damn! I wish it was here--I'd about sell my ovaries to be watching Sentinel with them *L*)
Jae, thank you for phoning. Felt so-o-o good! And darn you for seeing Erasure without me *L*
Okay, nuff said, these are freaking late already!