One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don't know.
-Animal Crackers, 1930

Ah, another weekend come and gone, with too much porn, too little sleep, too much work, too little housework, too much worrying, too little loving, or some shit like that. Point is, I have a ton and a 1/2 of stuff to do, and no time to do it in, and I keep getting distracted by Jim and Blair. And the kicker is, when I'm not being distracted, I'm alternating between analyzing it, and wanting to be distracted....and then I run off and write more Krycek fic *L*
Okay, between me and thee, I know exactly why this fandom has come along right now, and for good or for bad, I'm grateful. Remember the Fox Mulder Eating Disorder? Yeah, well, welcome to the Blair Sandburg makeover *L* I think I lost a chin this week, and I didn't even think I still owned a hair dryer, let alone all these necklaces. Who knew?
Got the promotion. Got the raise. Got some bills paid. Kept my head with only one brief second of "oh, my God, this would be just about perfect!" But then realized there's nothing there for me and had a Blanche and went back to work.
But...but....oh yes, oh friends and neighbours, all of this drama, and fandom and Walter-In-Chinese-ness totally pales in comparison to the most important thing this week:

Mick's home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank God doesn't seem adequate....