Another week or two instead of the usual.
I missed updates again. I must admit to a selfish warm fuzzy that several
people inquired about them. It's important to be reminded that you're not
alone in the world once in a while. And I almost thought I'd miss them
again, but here they are all shiny!
Lost my hard drive to a virus. A trojan proxy
they call it. What it is is somebody setting up an email server on my computer
and sending out spam. Not that I'm going to say it's okay, but what the
hell was the guy thinking? My harddrive is inadequate to say the least.
You'd think they'd at least look where they're parking their crap. Oh well,
a day and a half offline didn't kill me....much.
Huge slobbering on my knees thank yous to
Shane for getting me back in business, taking his whole Friday to help
me. On that note, I am such a lucky bitch--I have so many friends
who are so amazingly talented that it's like I never want for anything.
I don't know what I did to deserve it, but I hope I can keep on doing it.
Got mailouts done this week, so I'm less
likely to be throwing up from guilt come Monday. I feel like such an asshole
when I can't get the stuff out. There's still more to come, and then Advent
stuff in a week too. And those will be ontime, for sure. I won't stand
for it to be any other way!
Speaking of holidays, if it's true, and you're
in your own bed come Thanksgiving, dear brother, better believe I'll be
cooking another turkey and doing a little thanksgiving myself. Grow strong,
my friend, you're in my prayers.
Friends all over--you know who you are. If
you stumble across here, know that October had some real fun times, but
it was a c-c-cra-a-a-zy!!!! month, and I'm still recovering. I think of
you all often, sometimes with an ache, often with a smile, and I hope we
can all have coffee, virtual or real, soon.
Did I mention I'm bleeding to death? Last
month I had the lamest period of my life, and it was a thing of beauty.
This week, BAM! showed up out of nowhere early, and I'm probably going
to faint from bloodloss soon. This reminds me of when it all went bad down
there a couple of years ago. If this doesn't let up by tomorrow, or hell,
even if it does, I think a trip to the doc is in order. Hopefully I'm not
gathering anything but cobwebs *L*
Well, on that tasteful note *L*