"Carpe diem.  Seize the day, boys.  Make your lives extraordinary."
-Dead Poet's Society, 1989

For anyone who missed the trip to Cougaritaville last weekend, a had time was good by all! We learned that blue jello is bad, and Mitchell looks hot in Pink. We discovered that when Curt performs, half of Jason and Whit's wedding party shows up to watch! We found out that Michele can't do math with 1/4 of a bottle of Southern in her, but barring that little "it's four, not forty" bit, we turned out an impressive total--enough, actually that we could pay the phone bill for PtCS for 10 mos. Of course, some of that will be going to brunch next week. Rocky Horror Picture Show and it's going to be amazing! Speaking of which, I'm just listening to Me First and The Gimme Gimmes doing Science Fiction Double Feature. Thanks to Neal who gave me everything they've done on disc. I've always been a fan, especially of the "are a drag" songs. There's just something soothing about standards I love to a punk/ska/rock beat. Plus, sung by a man, and you all know how sexist I am *L* So, yeah, Cougar weekend. Fun and more fun! I wish it didn't have to be just once a year. But I think we're all hooking up for Calgary's ball, which should be faboo. Not only is it Neal's decade, but Dion invited me to sit on the dias, so I have an excuse for my Emperor's gifty bling to travel. And of course, drunk and all, that's just a given. No worries, Lainey, they don't serve jello at these things *L* Investitures is in a couple of weeks, too. I don't think there'll be jello there either, but it should be fun. I hear our madame treasurer is going to be Dutchess. Just don't take it too serious, sugar. It's just being a man in a dress (although you do it fabulously--yay you for knowing your words).
Work is lame and I'm totally not doing very well there. But I've applied for a couple of get the hell off the phones positions, so we'll see how that goes. I just remind myself that I'm doing as well as anyone, better than some, and frankly, it just pays the rent so I can do the things I really want to do. None of which pay anything but there you have it.
Oh, and for anyone not in the know, or in the know but out of the loop, or some such shit, Bear and Bunny are doing very well at the things that needed to be very well, if you know what I mean. I hope to get stuff in the mail for them soon, but you know how it is when you only make 50 bucks on a Friday and have a week til payday. Well, they'll get there when they should. So says Micky, so says God and so say I.
I just watched Saw tonight. Creepy as shit, but so good! And I'd still do Carey Elwes, even after that "i'm a bastard" stint on XF.
Oh, and if you haven't seen Serenity, I've seen it twice, and it kicks ass! Shiny! I want to learn gorram Mandarin now, though. Mal and Jayne so need to be nekkid in my living room.
Can you tell I'm free associating? Listening to a punk version of Phantom of the Opera will do that to you. Their version of Body Electric is pretty sweet too! Oh, jeez, It's Raining On Prom Night--I forgot about this one *L*
I dunno if there's much else to report. Mom and Dad were here for thanksgiving, and that was awesome. Best visit I've had with them--all good and fun, and no issues. Well, the usual 'never mind that I put you on your first diet at age five, I don't know why you have such a bad self image' bit that we go through every time, but at 40, it's not the big thing it was at 18 *L*
Last thought: I read 31 Blair/Jim hurt comfort stories this week, and I think there was only one where one of them didn't say "Will you just hold me?"
I get that.