"Hello, gorgeous."

Got my pics back from Coronation and I look good as a blonde. Mom and Dad are here for Thanksgiving, and bought me a turkey. Also, cool SW swag. The Riders are ahead in the game right now, but there's still a whole quarter left, and as they say, the diff between a dollar and the Riders is the dollar is good for four quarters *L* We'll see. I also got the wedding pics, and truly, Whit, you are gorgeous! Truthfully, if you hadn't married each other, I'd be right there for either one of you *L* Hup, ho-ooh! as they say. There was a great long story about doing gymnastic moves into the church, and then an even better story about the getaway, and the bridesmaids/Skittle gang robbing the convenience store in fabulous dresses and those fake nose/moustache/glasses things that was hysterical at the time. But then we put Waltzes With Bears into Jocelyn's head and nothing else could get through *L*
I'm bartending again tonight--outside this time. That's okay. I made seventy bucks last night which bought groceries and pictures. Next week is payday Thank God! and I'll be able to mail Mick and Jaxon all their swag. I also have a card for the new mom and grandpa, and a card for Whit's amazing parents, who went way above and beyond, in my not so humble opinion.
Cougar weekend coming soon!! I can't wait. You just know there'll be drinks and goofing off and food and dope and candles and telly time and oh! People's Choice awards too! I'm not going to do a number, despite that 30 seconds on stage at Coronation when I thought 'I miss this'. Cos no.
I'm using AFI's top 100 quotes of all time this year, and not sure how they will work with each week, but I thought an introductory quote for the first week would be best. Hence the Babs. Plus, hey, love the movie, so that's cool.
I need to get writing again soon. Been fighting with this latest chapter, knowing there's two more just like it waiting....Oh, and as for the existence chat, come on. Healthy debate is fun and all, but don't be an asshole. Don't bait people. That's stupid and life's too short. That's all the power I'm giving to that bullshit, so I'll be over here hugging a beautiful bear and thinking, 'know what, I think Mulder did 'em both, and I think it's canon, and the reason it comes off on screen like it does is cos DD is gayer than a clutch purse at the tonys!' So there.
And on that note, I need to clean my shit up, make sure Dad's team wins the game (they score every time I go into the living room *L*), and maybe read just a little more Spike hurt comfort *L*
Cheers all