"You don't have to love me the way I love you Cole, just love me."
-Linda, De-Lovely

"You don't call, you don't write...." Kidding. I've wrenched my shoulder somehow, so bad that I can't even put my hair in a ponytail cos it hurts too bad to reach. I'll have to have Whit look at it when I've a moment, see if it's something she can maybe put to rights...unlike my life ha ha. Again, I kid. Our Empress quit two weeks before Coronation. Too bad she couldn't have done it in April, saved us all the hassle. meh, whatever. Voting is next Sunday after brunch, so you'll want to be on hand for that. Mitchell and Thane are running and they are a force to be reckoned with. But Mitchell, no more mass emails. Dor made it to brunch yesterday after two mos of 'out of town' or 'working' Was good to have him back. He's off to get his panties punched this weekend before the horror of--er, uh, I mean the excitement of Coronation. I have to go to the club tonight and clean the kitchen cos we're doing Back to School Brunch this Sunday. Hope you can all make it. Ten bucks, all you can eat, and a show too. Cam's being a dick about opening early, but Thane has keys :) Did I tell you Nedo quit the Board? Good riddance to bad rubbish. Bartending Saturday was fun. I'm going to pick up some salmon oil next payday cos dad swears by it and I'm getting arthritis in my fingers--not good for someone who lives to type *L*  Okay, Mitchell just messaged to say he and Dor will be over shortly to watch Steel Magnolias--dude's got gay you can see from space and hasn't seen it, if you can believe it. Dor, I get, cos he's like, eight or whatever, but yeesh! So rather than take away their gay cards and bar them from the house, we'll watch it this afternoon. so I gotta make coffee. But hopefully I'll talk to all y'all again soon.

See ya