My world, welcome to it!

"What have you done today to make you feel proud?"
-Heather Smalls

LIFE'S TOO SHORT. You could go out tomorrow and get hit by a bus, for God's sake!. And would you want your last thought to be an angry one? Your last impression to be a malicious one? Love each other. Love yourselves. Today is a gift; that's why they call it the present.

So many people to thank, so many people to congratulate, so many people to mock. And not necessarily in that order. Of course, my mother did say, if you can't say anything nice, come sit next to me...or was it don't put it in your mouth if you don't know where it's been? Whatever....But relax--if you don't see your name here, it doesn't mean I don't love you...oh, wait, yeah it does.

"Such fun!"
--Miranda's mother, Penny

BERNIE/ANITA: Did you bring the car home?  It was brilliant to see you (even if I missed the infamous deck crawl), and you are still so amazing, as a performer and a friend, after all these years! I wish you still lived here! You should be very proud (or slightly terrified) of what you started!
BETTY RAGE:  You're so cute and as a performer, I have great expectations for you! Also, Mirrors will be awesome and Aunty Anne will take very good care of you! Come for brunch sometime!
BUBBLES AND MICHELLE OBAMA: Way to step up without stepping on! Also, Daniel, thank you for the loveliest ballot counting experience I could have asked for!
CHINA: Do you feel fat on the inside? I thought you might. Quack!

JASON&WHITNEY& LEXY LUTHOR: My family by proxy! I miss you guys so much! I can't begrudge you cos you're definitely raising a winner there (look how she took to me, right? *L*) but as soon as she figures out how to have sleepovers at Grandma's house, we are having a seriously crazy night out!!
JOELLE: You are such an awesome friend--Benedict's lucky to have us and I'm lucky to have you! THREE WEEKS!
KERRY: Truly the best Emperor ever!!! Thanks for all the help this weekend, and  Anita's backless dress thanks you too!
KORINNE: We didn't get a chance to chat, but it makes me happy just knowing you are somewhere in the room! Bring on the tranny-cam!
KRICKET:Oh honey, that Friday night arm candy was lovely!! I hope you had a good weekend! Looking forward to some just hanging out and telly time!

"How are you? Had a good week? Lovely. Well back to me."

LEXY: You are beautiful and creative and talented and deserve to go far in the Court and in all you do! Your dresses were amazing, and you worked the room like you owned it!
MERCEDEZ: No worries, my friend, you have a terrific support system. You should be very proud of yourself and your House!
RUBY HYMEN You get more amazing every time I see you--so creative and truly one of a kind. Also, I still use "ASSESS YOUR LIFE" because it is one of the most brilliant things to ever come out of a drag queen's mouth!
SCOOTER DOWN-LOW: Hope you had fun tonight; terrific anniversary walk and I promise not to tell anyone your shirt was inside out!
S.R.:  You are the gayest gay to ever gay a gay! Did you ever find out if that guy was the good kind of gay? You know, the suck your dick kind of gay?
STEPHANIE: I think you are one of the sweetest girls I've ever met!
VIDA: If I didn't have these tiny tyrannosaurus arms, I'd totally hug you!

"Don't get emotional; we're not Spanish."

MITCHELL: You really are the hardest working man in show biz these days! Thanks for always taking time for coffee and telly, even in the midst of so much good work! "You counter despair with hope. You strive forever for the best you are capable to be! Therein lies the victory!"
RICHARD (SHERI): Flawless as always! I know a show's gonna be good when you're on the guestlist! Hope we can have a proper chat sometime!
SIMONE: I hope you had a lovely time this weekend, and I must say, I love your hosting no matter where your dick is while you do it!
YADA: You never cease to entertain, and yay for pretty drag! Have an amazing time in New York!
ANDY SMOKES: Oh, Brian, you know I will always mock your boytears, in the same way I hope you know I will always be here for you!
JENNY TALIA: As heartbreaking as it would be to lose you, I can only hope that tomorrow New York discovers what we've known all along--that you are amazing!! And also, jazzy!

EVION WATERS AND SANDY BEECHES, MR AND MISS GAY REGINA 23:  Congratulations! I know you will do your community proud! And also, get ready to work hard--you've got big clown shoes to fill! *L* Seriously, let me know how I can help!

"Thrust! That's a good word, isn't it? Thrust!"

MICK and JAX: Some days I miss you so much it's like there's no air in the room. You have left us with an emptiness unfillable.

GLCR: To all the staff, volunteers, and the Board of Directors: keep up the good work, the GLCR would not exist without you! Bryon, welcome! Let me know what I can do for you!
QUEEN CITY PRIDE: It was fantastic to see you ALL out this weekend! Our Pride Week is soon to be the stuff of legend! Thank you for all your hard work!
RWRC: I look forward to getting more involved when my crazy work life slows down!
RSAR- such a vital part of Regina's GLBT community. It is amazing the way that you have ALWAYS been so supportive of Mr and Miss Gay Regina, and I have no doubt that the spirit of giving, support, acceptance and genuine affection will continue this year as well. As an Empress I can't tell you how proud I am of this organization and so many of the people that make up its heart.

"You do know when you say not being rude doesn't necessarily mean your not being rude.."

HUGS: Dean, Cas, Harvey, Mike, Steve, Danny, Neal, Peter, Sherlock, John, Ianto, Jack, Blair, Jim, Giles, Spike, Lex, Clark, Fox, Walter....
KUDOS : Anyone who found their way to Sunday brunch or TV night. Thanks, you make me feel special; Online friends and fans, you are my support system and I couldn't do any of it without you--I really am that internet success story; all out of town guests who make Regina more beautiful by virtue of their presence and home town folks who do the same; God Bless you all....

There's more and more after that, and I'd probably go on and on if I didn't have to be up in four hours to open the bar for the brunch bunch! At any rate, I'll add names later if I feel like it, if I remember, or if you email me to bitch about not being in here!
Oh, and don't forget:
In my world, the coffee is strong as death, black as hell and sweet as love (and always made by Ianto Jones). The smoking section is always open. Fox Mulder is always just as close as my dvdplayer, Slow Motion Walter is always more than  just a blues song,  and the Gunmen always visit on Friday. Bunnies and bears always frolic in my living room, Blair Sandburg is always the bottom, there is always a next Sunday, everything's Benedict and nothing hurts, and finally, the Blanches are always shaken, never stirred.
That's enough to be going on with, don't you think?

 Copyright 2013 Michele. All rights reserved. I went to law school.