My world, welcome to it!

"What have you done today to make you feel proud?"
-Heather Smalls

LIFE'S TOO SHORT. You could go out tomorrow and get hit by a bus, for God's sake!. And would you want your last thought to be an angry one? Your last impression to be a malicious one? Love each other. Love yourselves. Today is a gift; that's why they call it the present.

So many people to thank, so many people to congratulate, so many people to mock. And not necessarily in that order. Of course, my mother did say, if you can't say anything nice, come sit next to me...or was it don't put it in your mouth if you don't know where it's been? Whatever....But relax--if you don't see your name here, it doesn't mean I don't love you...oh, wait, yeah it does.

  John: "That...was amazing."
Sherlock: "Do you think so?"
John: "Of course it was, it was extraordinary. It was quite extraordinary."
Sherlock: "That's not what people normally say."
John: "What do people normally say?"
Sherlock: "Piss off."

ADAM GOODTIME: I can't decide what was better--your performance, or your walk of shame! Well worth it, though! Cheers!
BETTI RAGE:  You need to be Empress. No. Seriously. Do it.
BULL DOZER: I think it's cute how you 'fell' for me! Brilliant to meet you and hope to see you again soon.
BRUCE AND DANIEL: Blanche rhymes with sambuca, I think that's why I keep getting them mixed up. And Avaughna, no one is more suited to the title of Empress of Canada than you!
CARRIE DU'WAY: Beautiful, figure to die for, and a Benedict fan? Goodness, when are you moving here? *L*
Thank you for making me laugh when all I want to do is cry
CHRISTIAN MINGLE: Do you ever get tired of being told you have the best name on the circuit?
You'll be amazing no matter where life takes you. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to our community--we need more men like you! And I'm totally calling you Dezza now!
JASON&WHITNEY& LEX: My family by proxy! I miss you guys so much! So so much...
JEROD: Missed you this weekend--you are a treasured friend and I'm so glad to have you in my life.
JOELLE: You are such an awesome friend--Benedict's lucky to have us and I'm lucky to have you!
KELSEY: That ride home tonight saved countless lives--you're a brave man! And not just cos you're shacking up with a fifties housewife!
KERRY: You're a star!!  I couldn't ask for a better Emperor or a better friend! Your help this weekend was fantastic, and Girth Brooks is damned lucky to have you as a turd this year *L*
KORINNE:  Bring on the tranny-cam! Followed by the tranny-water! You are an inspiration!
KRICKET: Always so beautiful! Thane, when are we gonna get telly time again? Don't work too hard!

"How are you? Had a good week?
Lovely. Well back to me."

LJ STEELE: Always great to have you here--you make everywhere fun!
MITCHELL: "You counter despair with hope. You strive forever for the best you are capable to be! Therein lies the victory!" I miss you like you miss your phone! Just kidding (I'm really not) Thanks for the laughs at brunch today, I so needed them!
MYRA: You work a room like a wait, that didn't sound're fantastic and I hope we see you again soon!
RAE: It's good to have you here! Now I can blame the Blanches on someone else *L* Love ya!
Love you. 200 pounds and a strap on are all that keep us from being stardust!
ROBERT: Even if you weren't so amazing in so many ways, or, you know, shacked up with my best friend, you'd still be awesome cos your last name starts with CUMBER! Also, your muffins are yummy!
RUBY HYMEN You get more amazing every time I see you! Also, I still use "ASSESS YOUR LIFE" because it is one of the most brilliant things to ever come out of a drag queen's mouth!
SATINA: So when are you moving here?
Do you think if you had a TARDIS, you'd still be late? Just kidding! Kricket has a great Emperor!
S.R.DYNASTY:  You are the gayest gay to ever gay a gay! Stay fabulous!
STEPHANIE: Almost Sadie Sadie Married Lady! Always take care of you!
SYMARA: You never fail to entertain, and of course the log driver's waltz pleases girls completely! Cheers!
I will eat your banana bread anytime!
VIDA: Thanks for the vote of confidence on Friday night--the smoking section really is where the cool kids hang out! One more Blanche for the road? ps i am NOT evil, just misunderstood....okay, a little bit evil....
YADA: You are the consumate entertainer in and out of drag, and thank God there's someone else who remembers the eighties!

“It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights.
It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase.
'I am offended by that.' Well, so fucking what."
--Stephen Fry

EVION WATERS AND SANDY BEECHES, MR AND MISS GAY REGINA 23:  Congratulations! You not only survived your year, you thrived! You succeeded in raising money, promoting your community and entertaining everyone even in the face of upheaval, neglect, indifference, hostility and drunken shenanigans! Evion, you will always be Ellen to me! Sandy, you are one of the most positive people I have ever had the good fortune to meet--don't ever change! Thank you both for the kind words and the award, and I hope you'll both keep doing what you do for many years to come@

Brilliant! You both bring a diverse array of talents to the table, and I know you're going to be golden! As your double decade Mr. Gay Regina, know that you can ask me anything--I can't guarantee you'll like the answer, but I'll always play straight with you, and help you as much as I'm able. Way to go!

"I am a PR disaster because I talk too much."--Benedict Cumberbatch

GLCR: To all the staff and volunteers: keep up the good work, the GLCR would not exist without you! So much more than a nightclub and lounge, the GLCR is clearly a family--cos only family can make you want to simultaneously hug the stuffing out of someone and throw them in a woodchipper! I was going to include a giant rant here about the wankstains and slackasses and all round twats that have been so prevalent of late, but then decided that was giving them way too much power, so all I'll say is if you are truly seeking to do as much damage as you seem to be to MY club, to MY community, well, bring it, assholes, cos I've got no filters, no fear and enough friends to take care of the likes of you.
KINK Regina: Welcome! Welcome! Welcome! You folks are awesome! We're glad we could offer you a home at the GLCR, and we are invested in helping you thrive and succeed! Also, do more scenes at drag shows--that was freakin' epic!
QUEEN CITY PRIDE: It was fantastic to see you ALL out this weekend! Our Pride Week is becoming the stuff of legend! Just remember, for best results, go where the gay people actually are.
RSAR: such a vital part of Regina's GLBT community. Without you, this community would have closed up shop twenty years ago, and now here we are, community and drag, working and succeeding like never before. It's brilliant and I wouldn't want it any other way.... mostly....

"Alone is what I have; alone protects me."
-Sherlock Holmes, The Reichenbach Fall

MICK: Some days I miss you so much it's like there's no air in the room. You have left us with an emptiness unfillable.

HUGS: Dean, Cas, Harvey, Mike, Steve, Danny, Neal, Peter, Sherlock, John, Ianto, Jack, Blair, Jim, Giles, Spike, Lex, Clark, Fox, Walter....
KUDOS :Anyone who found their way to Sunday brunch or TV night. Thanks, you make me feel special; Online friends and fans, you are my support system and I couldn't do any of it without you--I really am that internet success story (we're not going to get into the idiots on tumblr and facebook here, cos if I start, this ad will be twenty pages long and so I'll just say that even though you have an opinion about it, that doesn't make everyone else's opinion wrong--it just makes it your opinion); all out of town guests who make Regina more beautiful by virtue of their presence and home town folks who do the same; God Bless you all....

There's more and more after that, and I'd probably go on and on if I didn't have to be up in four hours to open the bar for the brunch bunch! (Bless you Anna for being ridiculously efficient, thank you for the double double, and thank you again all volunteers and staff who made the work so much easier this weekend. You guys who made the work harder can go f**k yourselves right in the ear) At any rate, I'll add names later if I feel like it, if I remember, or if you email me to bitch about not being in here!
Oh, and don't forget:
In my world, the coffee is strong as death, black as hell and sweet as love (and always made by Ianto Jones). The smoking section is always open. Fox Mulder is always just as close as my dvdplayer, Slow Motion Walter is always more than  just a blues song,  and the Gunmen always visit on Friday. Bunnies and bears always frolic in my living room, Blair Sandburg is always the bottom, there is always a next Sunday, everything's Benedict and nothing hurts, and finally, the Blanches are always shaken, never stirred.
That's enough to be going on with, don't you think?

 Copyright 2014 Michele. All rights reserved. I went to law school.