My world, welcome to it!

LIFE'S TOO SHORT. You could go out tomorrow and get hit by a bus, for God's sake!. And would you want your last thought to be an angry one? Your last impression to be a malicious one? Love each other. Love yourselves. Today is a gift; that's why they call it the present.

So many people to thank, so many people to congratulate, so many people to mock. And not necessarily in that order. Of course, my mother did say, if you can't say anything nice, come sit next to me...or was it don't put it in your mouth if you don't know where it's been? Whatever....But relax--if you don't see your name here, it doesn't mean I don't love you...oh, wait, yeah it does.

Mr and Miss Gay

MAXXX POWER: You came out and did the work before you hit the stage and that helped you all year.  You  were ambitious and creative and it showed, from drag to High  School Musical!  You should be very proud of a job well done!

LA LA BOTTOME: You clearly love being on stage and you have a fiercely creative mind! You brought new and entertaining ideas to the table and we got puppies and other furries, great themes and fun shows!  Always remember, you are not alone,  and your community will help when you ask! Congratulations on your year!



A'DAM GOODTIME: Your majesty. You have stepped into big shoes and filled them in all the best ways! You are awesome!

CAESAR: Hardest working king in show biz! Glad you are taking some time for yourself now--you deserve it!

CHANTALLE/ALEX FORDAZE: You are one of a kind!  Your energy is ridiculous and  you know what you want and have the  drive to get it!

DEMONA LISA: I love you, hurt when you hurt, and wish there was more I could do. Just know that if it's coffee, an ear, some telly or a roadtrip, I'm so in! #demona2019

DEREK AKA JENNY TALIA:  You are a constant source of inspiration for our community, and I hope you know you are cherished. And you always have an ear and a shoulder here!

DUSTIN: Winnipeg wouldn't be the same without you....your smile is infectious and I thank you for being here this weekend!

FEATHER: You are f**king brilliant! You are humble to a fault, and so talented!  Your smile is everything!

FLO: Wish you were here tonight! Great job hosting the Friday night show. Sad you'll miss brunch as I hear they are going to have peanut sauce!

JOYCE: You are awesome, thanks for the scones, the rides, your dedication to Prairie Pride and for being a great friend!!

JUSTIN CIDER: You've been an excellent representative of our community as Prince and as Mr Gay Regina 27.5. You should be very proud!

KERRY: Us old folks still know how to kick the kids asses when they need it! Don't know about you, but I'm pretty glad they are around to do some of the heavy lifting!

MITCHELL: All things for a reason, and as long as you're happy, I'm happy to welcome you back downtown! Life seems more hectic than ever, and I am looking forward to cards, TV, pintrest food and just getting to hang out with my best friend!

NIKKI: If  I was a gay man and you were a gay man....seriously, you are one in a million and I'm so lucky to have you in my life!

ROB:  This is your official notice that  being in the north end is no excuse and I hope we continue to get to spend time together!


JASON&WHITNEY: Just  15 more years and  drag shows will be a family event!  In the meantime, we've got brunches, rides to work,  and suppers to enjoy  while we adore and mock your kid in equal measure!

JOELLE: Now that you've gotten your feet wet,  you'll have to come for one of our big shows sometime!

YADA/GERRARD: You know how this all works, but we're almost 20 years later and the best part is you are still finding new and fun ways to wow audiences! Brilliant!

MS. CANDY:  Absolute applause for stepping up! Since you came out you've been unfailingly respectful and polite, helped where you could, and asked for help when you need it I hope you continue to be a part of our community for a long time to come!

GIRTH BROOKS: As it turns out, despite my rants, it's a good thing you took this up! We know what you have in you--we've seen it in parades, on stage, at Access 7; you're amazing!

GLCR:  I can only hope that the need for community that fostered the inception of this wonderful organization will continue to motivate LGBTQ* people to keep us going for another 45 years.

BREAD BASKET SISTERS: You bring a real joy to our community and are a tremendous volunteer force that we are very lucky to have!

KOS: I love bragging about our Kings in other cities; you are all talented, clever and all so damned young! Please don’t let anyone take your positive energy away—you are all wonderful!

QUEEN CITY PRIDE: I love you and hate you by turn. Jesse Ireland, you are Pride and I can’t imagine any of the success of this organization without you! Please be kind to your elders, support the people who don’t have any money and never give up—we’re a lucky bunch in the Queen City but the struggle is still happening.

RSAR- such a vital part of Regina's GLBT community. Without you, this community would have closed up shop back in ‘94, and now here we are, 26 years of good works under our belt.

MICK: Some days I miss you so much it's like there's no air in the room. No one will ever take your place.

HUGS:  Mick, Len, Eggsy, Harry, Dean, Cas, Harvey, Mike, Steve, Danny, Neal, Peter, Sherlock, John, Ianto, Jack, Blair, Jim, Giles, Spike, Lex, Clark, Fox, Walter....
KUDOS: Anyone who found their way to Sunday brunch or TV night. Thanks, you make me feel special; Online friends and fans, you are my support system and I couldn't do any of it without you--I really am that internet success story; all out of town guests who make Regina more beautiful by virtue of their presence and home town folks who do the same; God Bless you all....

UPDATE: Congratulations Mr Gay Regina 28:

There's more and more after that, and I'd probably go on and on if I wasn't so old and tired. And besides, all that online porn won't read itself!

Oh, and don't forget:

In my world, the coffee is strong as death, black as hell and sweet as love (and always made by Ianto Jones). Fox Mulder is always just as close as my dvdplayer, Slow Motion Walter is always more than just a blues song, and the Gunmen always visit on Friday. Bunnies and bears always frolic in my living room, Blair Sandburg is always the bottom, there is always a next Sunday, everything's Benedict and nothing hurts, and finally, the Blanches are always shaken, never stirred.

That's enough to be going on with, don't you think?

  Copyright 2018 Michele. All rights reserved. I went to law school.