July 5, 1984

God, what a crazy week it's been:  Sat, June 30, me, ___ and ___ went to the Warehouse; ___ and ___ freaked out over ___, the waiter filling in for ___, who was in Vancouver.  Then we went to Parkside-___, the coolest waiter there had to work, so then ___, ___ and I be-bopped over to Denny's for some java.  Then they dropped me off at Parkside to wait for ___.  Then when he got off work (4:30 am) he and I went to ___'s in his caddy.  He was drunk and high, so he came in for some java.  Then I had to work, and ___ and ___ went to ___'s place.
Sun, July 1: ___ stayed at ___'s all afternoon.  They power tanned with ___, ___'s lover for the weekend, and ___, ___'s best friend.  Then ___, ___, ___ and ___ picked me up after work.  We met ___ and some guy named ___ and we were going to hit the drive in, but the line up was too massive, so all of us but ___ went to the Rocky Horror Picture Show.  It was ___'s first time and he liked it.  From there we went to Parkside, had a drink, I was bored.  Then back to ___'s with ___, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___, plus___, ___, and some dude in a jeanjacket.
___ gave ___ a ride home (nudge, nudge, wink, wink).  ___ was/is cute.  He's only 17, tho!
Monday, July 2: I phoned in sick to work because I hadn't slept in 48 hours.  Went to ___'s and played rock trivia-fun game!
Tuesday, July 3: ___ and I went to the Warehouse, then Parkside, then ___'s place.  ___ bought a waterbed.  He made a skirt for it, plus matching curtains and pillow slips (what a domestic). ___ also designs some damn nice clothes.  He was drunk on Anisette and seven-up. ___ and I were drinking rum with a drop of coke for colouring.  Fool me, I told ___ that ___ gets all drunk and horny on rum, hence the volatile drinks.  Heard two songs I really like: Homecoming Queen and I Like Em Big and Stupid.  Then ___ left, ___ crashed and ___ and I cleaned up the apartment.