November 4, 2001

Wow, I didn't say jack shit last week, did I? Oops, my bad. If I sound bitchy today, it's cos I'm like an old car--always having to change the plugs and pads. If you don't get it, you don't want to know.

Ah, so fat! Cramps killing me! Must get advil, must get X-files slash! Must find my inner child and molest it with my inner pedophile.

I'm babbling. So what. So sue me! Who reads this shit anyway?

Very tired--been up since 430--my printer's not working. I think I might pick up the second season of the xfiles on DVD today, just cuz I want to. It's actually the season I'm missing the most eps from, even though I have a lot of them already on video, or whatever. I just want it, and I don't have to justify it to you! Oh yeah, says who? Says my CODA group, that's who! Eat me!!

So, a little boy asks his daddy, "What does a vagina look like?" and his daddy says, "Well, son, when a woman is young, it's like a beautiful pink rose, all soft, with beautiful blooming petals and fragrant and all that." and the son says, "Well, what about when a woman's older?" His dad thinks for a minute, then says, "Son, picture a bulldog eating mayonnaise."

God I love that joke. Thank ___ for that one. Did I mention he is living here now? Good for him. Good for ___.

Am obsessing over TV-Farscape, Mutant X, Will and Grace, Enterprise, AbFab--new eps of that, and it felt so good to hook up with the British girls again, in that God I miss ___ and I wish he was watching it with me way!! Ah, yes, the neurosis that won't go away. We had a good time on Friday. I love it when we go time tripping like that, even if it's only in my mind.

I miss ___. He's doing his Time magazine impression, apparently, so I haven't seen much of him. I think if I ever got some ___-type couch time with him, my head would explode. Or as ___ so helpfully pointed out, I would self-combust!! Speaking of my fave cyber couple, go check out their quotes page. I want them, ___, ___, and ___ from England to come to the bar. All at the same time. I would run up the world's largest tab, if only to get ___ really drunk and find out just how much of his D/s talk is real, and how much is bullshit!! The gang actually asked about ___ since he hasn't been on line in a long time, and they love ___, who is their favorite straight gay guy...

Last thought--wish I could meet someone in a coffee shop in Georgia. Y'know, I've never even asked him if he drinks coffee...