From a QaF UK fic by Speranza:
 When Vince finally broke off the kiss, he left his arms draped around Stuart's neck and said, fondly, "I wish I could quit you."
Stuart barked out a laugh and knocked his arms away. "Oh, fuck off," he said, and headed for the Jeep.
Vince followed behind him. "Oh, come on! That film was fucking brilliant. Like Titantic for poofters."
"Titanic was Titanic for poofters."


"It's the exact opposite of childbirth. First you have the baby, then you get fucked."
-Stuart, QAF UK

"The Ministry of Tourism brags on the trees, the Great Lakes, the Rocky Mountains. They never mention that Canada's greatest natural resource is functional psychotics."
-- Stewart, QAF UK

"...Simon Carter.  Do you know him?  Black hair, sort of Fox Mulder look.  He's got the best ass in this shop.  Will you put in a good word for me?  I've always fancied him."
 - Vince, coming out to a co-worker on Queer as Folk U.K.

"Can you believe it, they have toilets where no-ones ever had sex!"
-Vince Tyler (Craig Kelly)

"Just tell her that you take it up the arse and get out of there!"
-Stuart Alan Jones (Aiden Gillen)

"I'm doin' it!"

"These nice men just came to fix your uncles plumbing"
-Marie to her sons

"Sorry, it's breaking up..we're breaking up!"
-Vince on his mobile to Cameron

"I'm always Kate Winslet"
-Vince Tyler (Craig Kelly)

"Those Pens. I've got to get rid of those pens!"
-Stuart Alan Jones (Aiden Gillen)

"I'd give him one, if I had one"
-Donna Clarke

Nathan's Dad to Stuart outside of Nathan's home: "He's only 15!"
Stuart Alan Jones in response: "The car's only six months and you've just buggered it!"

"That's right have a go at me, they are coming from the other side of the world now to have a go at me!"
-Stuart Alan Jones (Aiden Gillen) to Cameron (Peter O'Brien)

"Oh for fuck's sake, stop your moaning, If you fancy a threesome at this time of night, you can't get start getting
choosy about which particular three!"
-Alexander, Queer as Folk

"There are people talking in sentences that have no punchline and they don't even care"
-Vince Tyler (Craig Kelly), Queer As Folk

"Unrequited love. It's fantastic, 'cause it never has to change, it never has to grow up and it never has to die!"
-Vince Tyler (Craig Kelly), Queer As Folk

"He's here, he's queer, I'm buying him a beer!"
-Alexander to Nathan, Queer As Folk

'I'm queer, I'm gay, I'm homosexual I'm a poof, poofter, ponce, I'm a bumboy, baddy boy, backside artist, bugger, I'm Bent. I am that arse bandit I lift those shirts I'm a faggot arse, fudge packing, shit stabbing uphill gardener, I dine at the downstairs restaurant I dance at the other end of the ballroom I'm Moses in the parting of the red cheeks, I fuck and I'm fucked I suck and I'm sucked I rim them and wank them and every single man's had the fucking time of his life and I'm NOT a pervert. If there's one twisted bastard in this family its this little blackmailer here. So congratualtions Thomas I've just officially outed you' 'Oh and one more thing, did I mention I've got a baby'
-Episode 9 +10 QAF 2 - Stuart's Coming Out

Brian: "How old are you really?",
Justin: "20, 19, 18,"
Brian: "What is this, a missile launch?"
Justin: "17".

"Em, Hon, you should try to eat some of your protein off a plate."

"my specialty is blackbottoms"
- queer as folk us

"A song and a snack can turn any moment into an occasion."
--Emmett, American QAF

"Hello, Parts Department."
-Michael, American QAF

"My flame has been rekindled and is burning brighter than ever."
--Emmett,American QAF