Carson: I said walk. Not... march like a weird little troll.

Carson: It's glitterous. You know what that rhymes with.

Ted: I'm sensing kind of an alcohol situation here. And botulism.

Thom: That had nothing to do with me! I had nothing to do with a spark in his pants!

Ted: One of the first illustrations that your refrigerator needs some adjustment is when your milk transitions from a liquid to a solid.

Ted: You know if you take some dried-up pepper and a beer. Cuisinart? pause I got nothing.

Ted: I hope he doesn't rush too much shucking the oysters or he might shuck his hand off. That would be a shucking tragedy.

Carson: Gin makes people happy.

Carson: There's no "I" in team.
Mark: No.
Carson: There is an "M" and an "E" though.

TED:"Life is too short to drink cheap booze."

CARSON: Ted's not wearing his glasses.
TED: It's true. I couldn't see for the entire episode.
CARSON: That's why you were wearing that shirt.

CARSON: I love the way he works the stick of butter. It's kind of getting me heated up.

CARSON: Rimming it does help it rise, I've found.

TED: Give the man a moment. He's garnishing for gods sake!

CARSON: My mother used to say, "Only whores and children wear red shoes".

TED singing: You came into my life, and my world never looked so bright. Something something something, something something something.
THOM: It's better when she does it, somehow.

 This place, um... It looks actually like you're nuts. I mean, seriously, if you weren't here to represent yourself and I saw this place, I'd be like "Okay, we found him. Call the police."

It's 1984. They want their decorations back.

 I said walk. Not... march like a weird little troll.

Watching Alan pour Katie's dad a drink.
KYAN: Oh my goodness. 2/3 gin, 1/3 tonic.
TED: What's wrong with that?
CARSON: Mom's going to be taking her top off any minute now.

CARSON: Gin makes people happy.

 I'm sensing kind of an alcohol situation here. And botulism.

 I don't remember ever getting drunk here.
CARSON, after finding a pair of women's underwear

TED,grabbing JAI to face the camera: What are you eating?
JAI: Cake.
TED: And whose cake is it, Jai?
JAI, embarassed: The straight people's.

AYANA: The vagina is leaving the building.
THOM: No, we still have Jai.

Love you more than my luggage!

 Hi, Peanut! Your boyfriend has been upstairs working on my last gay nerve.

John is uncomfortable in a Speedo next to a gay guy: I mean, this is gay over here. But what's gay about that over there?

 You look like a million dollars. Canadian dollars, but a million dollars.

If I stole my mother's furniture, I would never ever have a chance of getting laid.

One of the first illustrations that your refrigerator needs some adjustment is when your milk transitions from a liquid to a solid.

 Even Bon Jovi knew when the moment was over.
KYAN, on George's hair

Ted: I hope he doesn't rush too much shucking the oysters or he might shuck his hand off. That would be a shucking tragedy.

We can't get rid of the rug. This is where his wife gave birth to his first daughter.
THOM,  examining a large stain on the rug

Are you involved in law enforcement or is this some kind of a kink thing?
TED, holding up handcuffs

Thom is wearing pink wings
JAI: Those wings make your ass look fierce.
THOM: Don't it though? Do these wings make my ass look big?

 I know all about good blow jobs, and this isn't it.

TOM M: And I'm going to have a sushi buffet...
CARSON: Sushi Buffet. That sounds like a drag queen.

BUTCH: referring to his sleeves I like 'em straight.
CARSON: I like 'em straight, too, but it usually doesn't work.

"Am I a pretty princess?"

"Say goodbye to the old Jan Brady."

"It's slutty hair."

"Nine out of ten auto accidents are caused by jeujing."

KYAN: Steven!
STEVEN: Mother?

"We made a girl shake for the first time...ever!"

CARSON: "Do you know any gay people?"
VICTIM: "Yeah, Dawn down the hall."
CARSON: "Dawn? Dawn the lesbian? I know her! Does she play softball?"

"Somewhere in Omaha there's a rave missing a shirt."

 "You're kinda like..... not George Strait but George Gay."
-Carson (to Kyan holding a guitar)

VICTIM: "People tell me I look like Keanu Reeves."
CARSON: "People tell me I look like Ellen DeGeneres."

"What does Tina have that I don't have? Besides a working vagina."

Ted: I don't think you're a size 6.
Carson: Damn it! Now I'll never be a teen model!

Ted: There was talk that his onstage style resembled Liberace.
Carson: Then it's fine, I don't even know why I'm here.

Thom: Hey, it's getting better!
Carson: No, we're getting drunker!

"This screams woman's correctional facility!"

"He's drizzling with the best of them."

"Nose hair is one of those things that's just never the right answer."

"She so wants to sleep with him, she can't see straight!"

"Do you buy all your clothing at the Home Depot?"

"Oh my God! I broke the wall...I'm not sure it matters."

"I think there was a car accident--I see skid marks!"

"You know, I was always the last kid picked in gym class. It was like, 'We'll take Sharon, and we'll take the girl in the iron lung, and you can have Carson!'"

"Bye-bye! Come back pretty!"

"Was it soy sauce, or boy sauce. I can't remember."

"I used to have hair just like yours. I also used to be named Louise and live in Germany."

"You put a living room where the crack den used to be!"

"1-800 Alarm me!"

"Here's your fancy shoes, your less fancy shoes, and your tissues."

"I just really came here for the liquor."
