But whatif they were in France...?

Here's your definitive guide to slashing the boys all over the world. Each of the names is divided into language, actual word, and definition if different from the original ie kangaroo rat instead of just rat. Thanks to Sin, Bertie and many others, and if you know how to say it another way, send it along and I'll add it with credit! Happy writing, folks, wherever you may be!


French: lacheur
Irish gaelic: francach, luch
Aboriginal [Bundjalung]: bahy [kangaroo rat]
Aboriginal [Ngiyampaa]: kima [stick-nest rat]
Aboriginal [Paakantyi]: muuluru [water rat]
Aboriginal [Sydney language]: wurra
Aboriginal [Wiradjuri]: babuu [kangaroo rat]
Aboriginal [Wembawemba]: parre [kangaroo rat]
Aboriginal [Diyari]: palyarra [kangaroo rat]
Aboriginal [Kaurna]: kurka [kangaroo rat]
Aboriginal [Wik-Mungkan]: kal
Aboriginal [Torres Strait Creole]: mukeis
Yoruba [West Africa]: ekute [mouse]
There is no direct translation for Thai, so this is what Sin's sister's phonetic version of what it sounds like:ngu, ngoo
Latin: mus
Sin also found her Malay dictionary: tikus besar


Japanese: kitsune
French: renard
Irish gaelic: sionnach, madra,  rua
Aboriginal [Bundjalung]: girman [flying fox]
Aboriginal [Wiradjuri]: buudharruung [flying fox]
Aboriginal [Diyari]: pakutha
Aboriginal [Gooniyandi]: ginyma [flying fox]
Aboriginal [Datiwuy]: mattjurr [flying fox]
Aboriginal [Wik-Mungkan]: minh wuk [flying fox]
Aboriginal [Torres Strait Creole]: saper
Latin: vulpes
There is no direct translation for Thai, so this is what Sin's sister's phonetic version of what it sounds like: soo-nuk jingjok
Sin also found her Malay dictionary: rubah [jackal], keluang [flying fox]


 gaelic: broc
Sin also found her Malay dictionary: sejenis landak
and in case you don't have the Latin: meles
French: blaireau