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Rico Interlude

Title:  Rico Interlude
Author: Bertie
Fandom: X-Files
Pairing: K/O
Spoilers:  none
Rating: R
Beta:  (my very own) Goddess Michele
Disclaimer: Krycek is owned by C.C., Fox and 1013;
Rico is my own creation 
Feedback: bertie45@altavista.com 
Archive:  sure
Summary: This is a vignette from a WIP now known as the Possibilites series


Rico looked down at his Beauty. He was sleeping so peacefully; Rico hated to wake him up. He remembered the first time Alex was presented to him. He had such an attitude and he was so angry about the amputation. His beautiful green eyes flaring in anger and disgust… 

Rico had fallen for him hard. 

He felt intimidated by Alex at first. His reputation had preceded him and Rico had never come across such a big man in the Consortium before. Rico felt lucky that someone in the Consortium felt he was just the guy to train Alex. Of course, the fact that he had an amputated arm and was used to doing all sorts of jobs and in no way considered himself handicapped" might have had something to do with it. 

Because of Alex's excellent physical condition, it did not take him long to get used to the exercises Rico put him through. Rico never felt such closeness to any of his men before. He had never felt attracted to another man before Alex either. 

He hadn't expressed his feelings toward the man until one day, after a frustrating time on a job that Rico had sent him on, Alex came back with such emotion showing on his face and in his
eyes that Rico had pulled him into a rough embrace and held him close, whispering in his ear. He told Alex that he was worthy of any task he put him on and that he put him through the more dangerous jobs because he knew it was in him to accomplish the task more thoroughly than any
of the others. Alex hadn't resisted. He instead just sighed and looked up into Rico's eyes. He pressed his lips to Rico's and Rico nearly passed out. But then he simply held Alex for a long
time, not refusing the kiss, but not responding to the intimacy either, wanting to be sure, not wanting to upset Alex further. 

Later on that night, he told Alex that he desired to be more than just a friend-he wanted to be his lover. Alex wasn't upset, seemed to be interested and their kisses became more passionate that night. What Rico didn't know was that Alex was in love with another and, because Alex seemed
to be rather reluctant to speak about his own feelings most of the time, Rico hadn't pressed him, on his past or his love. He should have realized that such a lovely man, even one with a
truncated arm, would never be single for long. 

When they had become physical, it was so precious to Rico. He could tell that Alex had been with male lovers before, just from the way he was so passionate and expressive in bed. Alex had shown him a lot their first night but Rico had refused to be the bottom. Alex didn't show any frustration over that at first, but later, when Rico learned about Alex's involvement with Mulder, Alex became less caring, and almost resentful of their relationship. He started not returning from assignments and would sometimes be gone for weeks at a time before returning to him. Rico realized he had to do something to change Alex. The Consortium had not changed Alex's status
as of yet, so he felt he had every reason to start him on a special disciplinary tactic that he himself had experienced at one time. 

The spankings were difficult at first. Alex hated it. He felt utterly humiliated and had made his feelings clear, especially when Rico gave him his moniker-Beauty. Rico had to subdue him on several occasions, including placing him in solitary, which was one of the worst experiences for Alex. Rico learned that the hard way. Afterwards, Alex was definitely more subdued, but in such a way it nearly frightened Rico. He was listless and unresponsive at times and Rico was more
than a little concerned about it. 

When Rico added sex to the discipline, Alex's attitude changed. He looked forward to his spankings sometimes and was far more responsive than he had ever been before. 

Rico looked down at his Beauty and was convinced that Alex needed more discipline and would come to like it all as much as he had come to like the spankings. Maybe then he would forget Mulder. He bent and kissed his sleeping Beauty awake. It was time for him to show his Beauty some more of his discipline… 


Mom, Don't Go Here (Kai, that goes for you too)
Write me, damn you (but be gentle... I bruise easy)
 Copyright 2000 Michele. All rights reserved.  I went to law school.