Title: Road Rage
Author: Goddess Michele
Date: August 2003
Fandom: X-Files
Pairing: M/Sk
Spoilers: various and sundry from everywhere, mostly vague. Also helps if you’ve read the other two Vacation stories.
Rating: PG-13 to NC17 and everything in between…
Beta: I am my own worst beta!
Disclaimer: C.C., Fox and 1013 own them, I’m just borrowing them for fun, not profit, and I promise to return them only slightly bruised, but in that good 'thank you sir and may I have another?' way.
Feedback: Yes, please! starshine24mc@yahoo.com
Archive: put it wherever you like, including atxf and SM, just leave my name on it.
Author’s Note: I know it’s late in the game, but I still think I’ve got a winner on my hands! For my clan, who keep believing in me when I’ve forgotten how.
Summary: Welcome back to the Vacation universe. It’s a kinder, gentler world now, but some things never change…

Chapter one: Hanging Johnny



“Are you awake?”


“You drooled on me.”


“Well, actually, it’s more my problem than yours.”


“Luckily, my problem-solving skills are at their peak at this time of day.”

“thasssnice, mmm…wha--?”

Fox Mulder jerked out of his almost-sleep as Walter Skinner draped himself over his body and planted a wet, sleep-sour kiss on his lips. A startled grunt was swallowed by Skinner’s mouth, and Mulder just had time enough to wonder if his breath was as bad as his lover’s was, and then what few early morning thought processes he did possess were shoved down his spinal cord to meet the big warm hands curving around his hips and stroking insistently.

With a groan that was three-quarters arousal and one quarter ‘I haven’t had coffee yet’, Mulder arched up under Skinner’s weight and rolled, pushing himself over so that they were reversed, and he was on top of the older man.  Bare skin pressed to bare skin as their bodies fit neatly together.

Mulder pulled his mouth off of Skinner’s with a satisfied smack and grinned sleepily.

“You’re awfully energetic this morning, old man.”

Skinner continued his hands-on tour of south-Mulder, provoking a soft moan and another kiss.

“You have no idea…” he murmured, the words vibrating on the air between their mouths.

Mulder squirmed a bit and replied just as softly, “I don’t know, I’m starting to get a pretty good idea.”

“Oh yeah?” Skinner cupped Mulder’s ass possessively and thrust his hips upwards.

“Shower,” Mulder declared suddenly. Before Skinner could stop him, he was off of the bed and tripping gracelessly out the door, leaving the other man lying hard and breathless on the bed.

For Skinner, the decision on whether to follow or wait patiently on the bed was made in record time—he’d never been a patient man—and by the time Mulder was adjusting the water temperature, Skinner was just a step or two behind him.

The tub was almost built to accommodate two big men, as long as said big men didn’t mind close quarters.

They didn’t.

Neither man spoke as they lathered soap and worked it over each other’s bodies, rubbing out sleep kinks in two very different sets of muscles. Bulky and corded, long and lean, all fell under their careful ministrations.

Skinner didn’t protest when Mulder turned him around, just rested his hands on the slick tile wall and sighed appreciatively as Mulder’s hands stroked down his back, and over his ass and legs.  The sighs became something growlier as he felt a soapy finger probe him gently. His hard-on, which had subsided during the massage portion of the show, now quickly rejoined the party with renewed interest. He was almost disappointed when Mulder turned him back into the spray, hugging him tightly as the hot water sluiced over them and rinsed the soap from both their bodies.

And then it was a contest to see who could dry off the fastest and get his naked butt back into the bed. Mulder might have won had he not made a lube-n-rubber pit stop at the cabinet in the bathroom.

Instead, he was greeted by the sight of Skinner lying across the bed on his stomach with one leg pulled up to invitingly accentuate the firm muscles in legs and buttocks, and his head turned to the side and propped up on his folded arms.

A slow sexy grin creased lips already shiny and swollen from a shower full of shared kisses.

“Hey.” The word purred out of him and Mulder thought he might just cum right there on the spot.

“Feeling energetic, Puppy?” The challenge was light, but Skinner’s eyes were dark, and Mulder didn’t waste any more time just looking.

It wasn’t often that he felt the urge to top his lover, and even fewer were the times that Skinner actively sought the catcher’s position on their little two-man baseball team.

This morning, however, their timing was perfect.

Mulder dropped supplies within easy reach as he knee-walked up the large bed to insinuate himself between his lover’s legs. He braced Skinner’s bent leg with his own, and Skinner obliged him with a slight raising of hips.

For long moments, Mulder just stared and smiled. There were so many factors at work here; trust, love, belief, a million other things, some as yet unnamed; and then Skinner looked back at him, smiled and shifted, and more physical factors made their way to the top of the list.

Stretching himself over Skinner’s back, Mulder pressed a soft kiss to the older man’s neck, nibbled at the same spot until he heard a groan, and then moved down further on his broad back, finding places to tease with his lips, or his tongue, or the soft nip of his teeth.

He took his time and took his pleasure, not leaving any part of his partner unattended. When he finally sat up on his haunches and reached for the condom, Skinner was writhing feverishly on the bed, slick with sweat, his hips rising and falling in time with his breathing, which was heavy and interspersed with soft muttered sounds of need.

Mulder soothed him with a warm hand on the base of his spine, sheathed himself, and then pushed Skinner’s legs a little wider apart.

Slicking his fingers with lube, Mulder found all the places his mouth had relaxed, and stretched Skinner further. When Skinner was thrusting back eagerly and growling his name, he replaced fingers with cock, and eased himself into his eager lover’s body.

“Aw, God…” Mulder leaned forward and rode the surge of Skinner’s hips rising up to meet him, careful not to crush the other man, but intent on covering as much of him with his own body as possible.  For an impossibly long moment he held himself still and let the tight heat of Skinner’s body possess him utterly, renewing the sense of belonging, of completion, of rightness that this act brought to him every time.

A shift and a twisting of muscle, followed by a growled “are you waiting for a written invitation?” made Mulder grin, and he started to move. Slowly at first, pulling almost all the way out, then pushing back in with the same deliberate lack of speed. He gripped Skinner’s hips possessively, and held him when he tried to thrust back.

“Mulder…” his name sounded like both a promise and a threat as it slipped from his lover’s lips with a sigh and a groan.

“Skinner,” he replied, moving a little faster now. Leaning forward, he let the quick breaths that were gusting out of him warm his lover’s back, and when he reached under Skinner, he found the other man’s hand already there, and they stroked together.

A string of breathy affirmatives issued from Skinner’s mouth and his movements became more jerky, less fluid. Mulder released his cock and took to stroking his back and flanks, murmuring his name and matching his increasing rhythm. The slap of skin on skin was loud in the room, though barely audible to Mulder past the beating of his heart.

Skinner bucked almost hard enough to dislodge Mulder, and then with a shout and a sudden spasm, he was cumming, crying out his lover’s name and thrashing in helpless ecstasy.

The added tightness drove Mulder to thrust harder into Skinner, his focus narrowing down to where their bodies joined. Aching for completion, Mulder forced himself into Skinner to the hilt again and again and—

Then his orgasm was boiling up out of him and he could do no more but cling to Skinner’s back, biting at his neck and shuddering as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through his body.

They fell still.

Skinner savored the feeling of his lover draped over him like a warm quilt on the coldest winter night, and even as Mulder was relaxing and slipping out of him, he held himself still, losing himself in the sensations. Warm breath rippled the air above his neck and made him shiver, and a solid and still rapid heartbeat pulsed from Mulder’s chest into his body, where his own heart matched it.

He shifted enough to turn his head, and Mulder slid forward a bit and they were nose to nose, wearing identical sweaty grins.

“Still feeling energetic, Puppy?” he asked in a voice grown hoarse from shouting out his lover’s name.

“Oh, sure,” the reply was punctuated with soft kisses. “Another shower, a little breakfast, and I’ll be ready for the next inning.”

Reluctantly, Skinner twisted under Mulder’s weight and neatly deposited him onto the bed beside him.

“I think you’re a liar,” he told Mulder easily, still accepting tiny kisses on his cheeks, nose, eyelids, ears. “But if you can actually get to the shower without falling over, I imagine I can probably find something nutritious in the kitchen.” With a huge groan, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed, found a pair of sweatpants on a chair by the door, and stopped in the doorway to smile back at Mulder.

“And I think the second inning is going to see a whole new lineup batting,” he teased.

Mulder regarded him lazily without moving from the bed.

“I’m guessing we can take the walk this time, having already demonstrated the home run!”

Skinner laughed, then said, “Don’t be long. Who knows what mischief I might get up to during the intermission.”

And he walked out of the room, secure in the warmth of his lover’s laughter.

To be continued…
