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Scully's Valentine
Title:  Scully's Valentine
Author: Western Rose
Fandom: X-Files
Pairing: Sk/Sc
Spoilers: none
Rating: G for Gooey. G for Glucophage. G for ... you get the picture. 
Beta: none
Disclaimer: The X-files and these characters belong to Chris Carter and Fox Broadcasting.  I play with them out of love and for no profit.
Feedback: Yes, WesternRose@AOL.com
Archive:  Yes for Scullyfic and SIS, all others ask, please.
Summary: Category: 155-word fic. Scully POV. Romantic. 
Gosh! Even a cynic like me still has a little gooey center! Happy Luperkalia!

The Goddess adds that this is the first true hetfic archived here, and deserves great praise, to move an old slasher like her, don't you think?

Scully's Valentine 

A man who knows that the answer to almost every problem can be found in a box of Joseph Schmidt truffles. 

A man who will join you in a bubble bath, then assist you in cleaning the bathroom when you have vigorously
emptied the tub of water and bubbles without opening the drain. 

A man who can flip you over one shoulder and carry you to the bedroom, where he feeds you ginger-garlic shrimp
from the Fire Horse Cafe and then eats you. 

A man who when asked what he wanted for his birthday, rummaged in his kitchen drawer for a spool of unused
Christmas ribbon, then gently tied a bow in your hair. You stood there smiling and crying until he kissed you, and
you never wanted him to stop. 

A man who has always loved you. 

Scully dropped her old keys in her landlord's mailbox and took his hand. 

"Let's go home, Walter." 

~ end ~ 


Mom, Don't Go Here (Kai, that goes for you too)
Write me, damn you (but be gentle... I bruise easy)
 Copyright 2001 Michele. All rights reserved.  I went to law school.