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Secret Speed Dials of Jim, Simon and Blair
Title:  Secret Speed Dials of Jim, Simon and Blair
Author: Dorian Rhodes
Fandom: The Sentinel
Date December 11, 2005
Pairing: J/B
Spoilers: nothing really, unless you forgot that River Tam is crazy *L*
Rating: nothing very naughty
Beta: Michele, only cos she had to read it before posting.
Disclaimer: Usual disclaimers apply...no copywright infringement intended, all characters are not mine, any resemblance to anything is coincidental so fuck off etc etc. (Thanks to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Paramount and Pet Fly)
Feedback: LOL; so yeah, this is my little piece.
Let me know what y'all think. 
Archive:  Please ask first, thanks
Summary: I give you the Secret Speed Dials of Jim, Simon and Blair as well as a day in the life of Blair and Jim.
Note: This is in honour of Michele my Slash mentor or dealer depending on how favourably you view Slash. LOL

Jim’s Speed Dial

1. Chief
2. Our…I mean my apartment (shifty eyes)
3. Hag…um I mean Carolyn
4. FBI
5. Simon
6. Bed Bath and Beyond (tell no one!)
7. Chachy Sweaters R Us.
8. Naomi Sandburg…um yeah nuff said
9. Frank (Blair’s personal hostage negotiator)

Simon’s Speed Dial

1. Mr and Mrs Ellison’s AKA Jim and Blair’s
2. LensCrafters Discount Outlet Store
3. Daryl…aka the little Trojan that couldn’t
4. FBI
5. Alimony Guzzling, dragon whore of Babylo…..Joan Banks
6. Jim’s Hag…I mean Carolyn (I know nothing…)
7. White Acting Black Men Anonymous
8. The Gap…See above
9. Mistress Trixie’s House of Pain and Pleasure

Blair’s Speed Dial

1. Husband...yeah das right I said it whatchyou gonna do about it!!
2. Ebonics dialect coach (see above)
3. Artsy Fringe Fashion Consulting Ltd.
4. FBI
5. Our House…sigh
6. Perms R Us
7. Grace Ellison…again nuff said
8. Back up Perms R Us
9. Frank

Blair’s To Do List

5am- Start styling hair
7am- Make breakfast for Jim
7:15 – Ogle Jim in the shower
7:30 – Ogle Jim over breakfast
8am- Ogle Jim getting ready for work
9am – Arrive at work…still ogling Jim
10am – stand way to close to Jim during coffee break
11am – assert hetero-ness for "clueless hetero-male demographic" by loudly phoning “Beard of the week”
12pm – Get kidnapped
1pm – Phone Frank (see speed dial list)
2pm – Have Jim rescue me after getting grazed by bullet
3pm – Hold Jim for comfort 
4pm – Still holding Jim
5pm – Still holding Jim
6pm – Last loud call to Beard
7pm – Sweater shopping with Jim
8pm – Late bite at Starbux
9pm – Movie with Jim…innocently fall asleep on his shoulder
10pm – Ogle Jim doing evening pushups from hallway
11pm- Bed…perchance to dream of Jim 

Jim’s To Do List

7am – shower with door open…subtle hint
7:30 – flex while eating breakfast hint hint
8am – fake looking for car keys under couch as excuse to bend over
8:58am – stand very close to Chief in elevator
8:59am – pat Chief’s ass as elevator doors open
9am – Flex while doing paper work
10am- Make Chief’s coffee
11:10am – have a short cry in handicapped stall after over- hearing Blair’s phone call
12 pm – Look dashing while at desk (where’d Blair go?)
2pm – Rescue the Guide…hide tears while examining superficial wound # 144
3pm – Hold Chief
4pm – savor the moment
5pm – savor the moment
6pm – more crying in bathroom…clueless bastard
7pm – Sweater shopping as excuse to undress in front of Chief
8pm – play footsies over lattes
9pm – Movie with Blair….caress his hair after he falls asleep
10pm – leave door open while doing noisy pushups in underwear
11:15pm – Get too fed up with Chief not taking the hint, sneak into his room AND JUMP HIM. 

PS- Sister Still Crazy...


Mom, Don't Go Here (Kai, that goes for you too)
Write me, damn you (but be gentle... I bruise easy)
 Copyright 2005 Michele. All rights reserved.  I went to law school.