Today's Thoughts

This one's for you, Jon!

January 23, 1982, 11:18 pm

This is in case the police need a written report.

When I got to ___'s house, only she and ___were there.  I had a six-pack, two Molson lights and a flask of Smirnoff's.  Only about ten minutes later, ___, ___, ___, and ___ showed up.  I was washing my face.  It was around 7:40 pm.  They brought stuff to drink, I think.  I came out of the bathroom and had a beer.  Everyone else was drinking, too.  ___ was wearing a headband (yay).  Then we stared at the tiles on the ceiling for a while.  There's one line on the seventh tile of the third set that has a butterfly shape.  ___, ___, and either ___ or ___ went to the liquor store.  I gave ___ six dollars to buy a mickey.  They came back with a mickey of rye and a case of beer.  I broke a beer putting it in the fridge and got really upset.  ___ consoled me and I went back downstairs.  Everyone was vegging. ___ and ____ were on the couch.  Then I went upstairs.  I was coming back down, and  ___ and ___ were carrying ___ upstairs.  I assumed she was just asleep and told them to put her in ___'s room.  Then, after ___ and I vegged downstairs for a while, I read upstairs.  ___ told ___ and I to hold the place together while she and ___ went to pick up ___.  I agreed.  Then ___ phoned and I told him a few things. ___ phoned a few minutes later, asking about what I had told ___.  I lied, telling her I didn't know what was going on.  She said fine, and I dismissed it.  I told ___ and he got mad about ___.  The two of us were downstairs when ___ and her lover, ___ burst in.  ___ pushed ___ into the front room, and ___, ___ and I sat there.  I tried to flush the flask of vodka down the toilet, but ___ wouldn't let me.  We sat there:  ___ swearing on the couch, ___ on the chair, ___ petting the dog on the floor, and me on a barstool.  I ate some chips when no one was looking.  I was afraid the police would want to give me a breathalyzer.  Then ___ said I could phone mom and dad, which I did ( it is now Jan. 24).  Dad came and picked me up.  Then ___ came back and I left.
___ called me and I had to tell some things to the cops.  Then I had to go to the district office and write out a few things for 2 detectives.  I guess ___ was raped.
What a fucky weekend.