September 8, 2002
Two weeks til Coronation. *yawn*
Is there anything exciting to say this week? Hardly. Life proceeds apace, as they say. Each day I feel the same joy and love for my friends, for the special things in my life, and the same need to vent hostility and frustration over my perceived injustices, or just plain human fuckery.

But I resolve to not let it get to me. For every negative comment I will find a positive one. For every self-loathing thought, I'll find one self-affirming. And though I may yet wallow in denial, that fine Egyptian river, on the financial front I will remember that things work out right a ridiculous amount of the time.

I do have to say that my mornings are brighter now, my evenings longer, but definitely in that good way, and I feel back on an even keel with the one who started all this! And so on that cyberlevel, all is definitely right in the world.

I need to be working on my's slow going these days, and there never seems to be enough hours to do all that I want, and even when there is, I'd rather be napping *L* Or at least my body says that. So I just go with it.

___ is bringing the camera to brunch, so the boys can see what pigs we really are *L* I can see that now--I'll have a side salad and a glass of water, please! Make it half a glass *L*

Oh, and in case you were wondering, everything is working just fine. Trust me on that one...;) I go back to the man with the hands like catcher's mitts on Friday, just to be sure, but I sure do feel good about it. And I've learned to listen to my body. Well, most of the time. When it says I can't eat one more cookie, I know it's lying! Other than that, though...

So it's four in the morning, and I'm beat. ___ is sleeping, j'assume, and so I think I'll upload these pages, and make my way there myself...but you're in my dreams, young Jedi...