Home of the Goddess
Home-->Mom, Don't Go Here
Incarnations of the Goddess
Dot's Poetry Corner
Seven Year Itch Pt. 2
Title:  Seven Year Itch 2/3
Author: Rose Campion
Fandom: X-Files
Pairing: M/Sk
Spoilers: none
Rating: PG-13 for mild groping and adult situations
Beta: none
Disclaimer: I know, I know, write about my own damn characters, ‘cause these ones belong to
someone else. I can’t help myself. I just want them to be happy. Make money from this? Ha, ha, good one! 
Feedback: Yes, rosecampion@earthlink.net
Archive:  Please ask first, thanks
Summary: a post-episode X-files/Queer as Folk crossover--see part one for detailed summary

A short while later, they were back on the road, the ducklings back in their own private worlds, ignoring the two professors up front again. He looked now and then at them by the rear view mirror. Heads lolled, even Lyddie slept. Let her, he thought. She deserved the rest. But he’d forgotten this, the worst part of driving. The boredom that numbed his mind as sure as the seat was numbing his bottom. He used to do this all the time, drive for hours, Scully riding shotgun like Lyddie was right now. Except Scully never slept. Scully. When had he realized how unhealthy their relationship had grown to be? There had been a time when if you cut Dana Scully, Fox
Mulder bled. The boundaries between them had all but disappeared. 

Heading that thought off at the pass, Mulder fiddled with the radio again, searching for a station. Not much playing in the hinterlands of Ohio. He found a country music station and listened for a moment. A pleasant, not too twangy woman singer was on, and for a moment he enjoyed it, unapologetically, tapping his fingers in time to the swingy rhythm, wondering if he and Walter could two step to it. He wasn’t sure. Walter was the better dancer, the one who liked going to that little club in Dayton. Mulder always just followed Walter’s lead and tried not to fuck up. “Oh baby, just to feel this feeling…” The woman sang. “It’s been too long since somebody whispered, ooooh, shut up and kiss me! There’s something about the silent type, attracting me to you. All
business and none of the hype that no talker can live up too.” 

Mulder was reminded sharply of Walter, an astringent wash of feeling over his heart rather than the usual warmth, pushing aside the pleasant day dreams of dancing in that club or even just on the gleaming hardwood of their dining room floor, the table pushed aside. He snapped off the radio altogether, no longer thinking of two, strong masculine bodies moving together as one, wondering just when had he gotten to be so unhappy with his life with Walter. It had been a long
time since they’d pushed the table aside and brought the radio down from Mulder’s study and just danced. 

A few minutes of silence were broken only by the lonely sound of tires on pavement. The fight, though it had been hours ago by this time, hung around him like tinsel to a tree thrown out on the pavement the week after christmas- useless, unwanted and clinging no matter one’s best efforts. Before his gloom could deepen to irredeemable, his cell phone jingled. He wonder who it would be. Not Walter. Walter would never call while he knew that Mulder would be driving. He was still too sensible, to cautious for that. Mulder reached carefully into his pocket, never taking his eyes off the road. He slipped the cord of the headset up and tucked it behind his ear, then pressed the
talk button by feel. His phone was an old model, circa 2003. New phones were little more than the headset and dangling mic. He’d no longer had any reason to upgrade to the newest slim little phone. It’d always been at Bureau expense before. 


“Mulder, it’s me.” said a once familiar voice. 

“What can I do for you, Dana?” Mulder responded. He said Dana pointedly, hoping she would get the hint. He’d told her point blank often enough. If he didn’t have limits back then, he certainly had them now. He steered the subject into one of the few he judged appropriate between them. The son that Scully believed was his. Mulder didn’t think so. The dates just didn’t match up. But at one point he’d been a willing genetic donor, so he ponied up child support without complaint. It was the right thing to do and Walter concurred. “Did you need something for William?” 

“I just talked to Walter. He said you were on your way to Pittsburgh. I thought maybe I could run over and see you. You haven’t been this close in years. It’s more than past time that you met your son.” 

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Mulder said, tapping the steering wheel with two finger again, but this time nervously. “This is a working weekend for me. I can’t really spare the time to see you. Some time later Walter and I will visit you in Philly.” 

That probably would never happen. There had been vague promises on both sides for years now to visit each other at ‘some time later’. They both knew that Mulder had no intention of visiting her again. If he thought William was his son, it would probably be different, but the pictures Mulder had seen led him to believe that William was no son of his. William seemed one hundred percent Scully, through and through, without a trace of Mulder. But they’d never know for sure,
because there was no way they were going to allow genetic testing of the oddly talently boy. 

“Mulder…” she began. 

“Fox. Please. Only one person is qualified to call me that these days.” Ironic now how it had seemed an unwelcome intimacy, like people calling him Fox once had been. “He’s at home in

“Fox. I’m sorry. I still just can’t get used to the fact that you’re no longer my Mulder. That you won’t let me have even a small claim on you anymore.” 

No Dana Scully, Mulder thought, you forfeited any such claim when you went to Philedelphia because it was the better thing for both you and me. To this day, Scully swore that she had
planned all along to somehow bring Mulder with her, that she just had to clear the way a little before getting him transferred. She’d said that she didn’t find out he’d left DC until she called to offer him a position and found his number was  disconnected. He didn’t say anything to her now. This was something they’d been through before, and at better times than this. Scully just didn’t get it entirely. 

“I just can’t believe that you still don’t forgive me for going to Philedelphia when I told you right from the start that we’d figure out how to get you up there somehow. After all I’ve said and done to make it up to you.” She was crying, he was sure of it, but refused to be manipulated. 

“Dana, this is not a good time for me to be having this conversation.” He said calmly, detatched. It had taken many years for him to remain this distant when talking to her and he refused to give it up. “I’m driving. I need my attention for the road. Call me next week and tell me how William is doing. Goodbye, Dana.” 

Ironically, he had forgiven her for leaving him like she had. Actually, though it hadn’t seemed like it at the time, it had been in his best interest. She had been part of the piece that had been ripped out of his chest, a big portion of that empty hole. If he hadn’t been at his absolute most desparate rock bottom, if she had still been there in DC, he probably would have blown off an interview for some miniscule college in the middle of nowhere. He’d have remained in DC at his ultimate cost.
He was grateful to her for freeing him from her and he’d tried to give her that freedom from him in return. He slipped the earphone back into his pocket and concentrated on driving again. 

Lyddie was awake again. She must have woken some time during the call from Scully. She reached over and squeezed his hand gently on top of the steering wheel. She knew the story, at least part of it. She didn’t need to say anything. Mulder gave her a smile and she let her hand slip down. Then he concentrated on getting them to the conference. 

It was dark when they finally pulled into the hotel parking garage. Thankfully, the van was one of the strange hybrid ones, not quite a mini-van, not quite a full sized van, with one of the new hybrid combustion/powercell engines. But it fit easily in the short height clearance of the garage. He found a parking space and pulled into it. As they were retrieving their bags, echoes and distant sounds buffeted them. Mulder was spooked, just a little. He stood up a little straighter and
looked all around scanning for the danger, then sheepishly realized it was just normal garage sounds and probably the garage was full of people like them, just getting in for the conference. It had been a long time since he’d been in a parking structure. Ten years maybe, nine. Since he’d left
DC. That was the thing about the midwest, almost always plenty of parking. 

“I hate parking structures too.” Lucy said softly. “They always creep me out and it’s not just watching the original Highlander too many times. I think it’s that the sound reaches one without
the apparent source being visible. All the corners and the other cars provide excellent cover and the mind knows that. At the same time, one’s sense of order and symmetry is thrown off balance. All these straight lines, but hardly a right angle to be seen. That and the fact that in our collective
unconscious, it’s where the archetypal serial killer lurks.” 

Cassie smirked. Whatever came out of her mouth next was going to sting, Mulder knew. No love was lost between Cassie and Lucy, that was for sure. They had, as people said, ‘a history’ and rumor said that they’d dated, briefly when they were first year students, but both were going out with guys currently. “You going up to our room, Spooky? Or what? Somehow I doubt that the latest son of sam copycat is waiting for us in the lot of the Pittsburgh Days Inn.” 

Mulder burned with sympathy for Lucy. He wanted to shout, wanted to slap Cassie for calling Lucy that, but he didn’t say anything just yet. It was his own issues that caused his reactions. The better part of discretion said to stay as far away from the interpersonal struggles of his ducklings as they would let him remain. In any case, Lucy didn’t need him to defend her. As he looked, Lucy didn’t crumple under the unkind name, but set her jaw, slung her grubby Guatemalan cloth
duffle bag over her shoulder and pushed too long bangs out of her eyes. She said, “Okay, you’re right. He’s probably in the bushes in that park next door playing poker with the ghosts of John Wayne Gacy and Jeffery Dahmer.” 

Cassie stalked off, round lost, but clearly planning the next salvo. Mulder made a point of walking next to Lucy on the short trip to the front desk of the hotel. She seemed to sense that he wanted to say something to her so she slowed down, letting the others get a distance ahead. “You know what my nickname was at the FBI academy?” He asked her when the others were sufficiently ahead not to hear. “Spooky. Swear to God you’ll never tell anyone.” 

She smiled a rare smile. She was a small, taut, serious one, Lucy was. In her pseudo-hippie outfit, drowning in a thick Peruvian sweater for a coat, Lucy seemed an unlikely candidate for the BSU, that was until you looked at her face and the smouldering intelligence there. Perhaps she wouldn’t
nearly fracture there, under those stresses. “Sometimes, it’s not so bad to be the spooky one, is it?” 

“That eyebrow piercing will have to come out if you’re still set on applying to Quantico.” he said. “I’ll write your recommendation after you get your PhD. There’s still a few people there who remember me in a good way.” 

A few hours later and all the ducklings were settled in hotel rooms. Officially, David and Thomas were sharing a room, and the four girls were splitting two rooms between them. Unofficially, Mulder looked the other way and didn’t want to know what the real sleeping arrangements were. He and Mama Duck each had their own room. Mulder put through a call to Walter, to let him know that they’d arrived. No answer, so Mulder left a brief message, closing the call with a ‘love
you’ that sounded perfunctory even to him. 

A short while later, Lyddie knocked on his door and he let her in. She looked around at the generic hotel room, one low chair by the window providing the only place to sit besides the bed.
Hotels, at least, hadn’t changed that much since he’d been out on the road, though the art in this one was blander than most, beige and peach abstract splashes on framed canvas. Lyddie was clearly thinking about the struggle it would be to regain her feet again once she sat down. She chose to lean against the wall. He settled down not far away at the edge of the bed. 

“Everyone settled in. I don’t think we’ll miss anything by skipping the opening social.” She said. “Hey, you weren’t out in DC at all, were you?” 

“No. Why?” 

“I’ll stay here and play chaperone. You go out and have a good time. See some of the big city gay life for a change. The strip isn’t that far from here.” 

Made unexpectedly nervous at this suggestion, he gripped the edge of the mattress and clenched. “Fine, except I’m not gay.” 

“Okay. Okay. I know. You’re not gay.” She suppressed an amusement at this, but only managed to banish the smirk from her lips. The eyes still glittered. “But as a man who’s openly set up housekeeping with a six foot two inches tall former Marine you can see how people might think that.” 

“I’ll grant you that. But as a bisexual six foot tall ex-Special Agent with the FBI, you can see how my tastes would run to the masculine side of things. I’m a guy. If I still drank, I’d be a beer kind of guy. I don’t see how much I have in common with…” He paused, wondering how to say it without being offensive. He certainly couldn’t tell her that though he immensely enjoyed being fucked by that ex-Marine, he wasn’t at all ‘light in the loafers’. “All of that. Rainbow flags. Pink
triangles. Okay. We’ve had this discussion before. I’m also a case study in internalized homophobia and I know it.” 

“All the more reason for you to see the sights.” 

She hadn’t let him off the hook until he’d at least agreed to go and check out the bookstore, which she thought would still be open. So he found himself strolling down from the hotel to a
bustling downtown area. Bright lights and the big city had never held much attraction to him and still didn’t. The club in Dayton was tucked discretely into a strip mall, nothing to let you know until you were inside that it wasn’t like any other nightclub. The district wasn’t that big, several blocks long. Mulder walked it, ignoring the muffled thumping of dance music and light spilling from some of the buildings, ignoring rainbow flags posted proudly on gift shops and clothing
stores. He glanced in the display of one of the clothing stores. And just when was it acceptable for a man to wear a vinyl and mesh crop top decorated with what looked like metal cock rings? He found the bookstore but a cute twenty something dyke in a tshirt that said ‘I can’t even think straight’ and even more facial piercings than any of his students was flipping the sign to closed as he reached for the door. He shrugged and turned away. The bookstore was at the far end of the district. He’d have to walk the gauntlet again to get back to the hotel. 

His stomach had grumbled and he remembered that he’d picked over his dinner in the hotel restaurant earlier, hardly eating it, mind on Scully and Walter and everything but his food. At that moment, he looked up from his florsheim shod feet for the first time in the while. Across the street was a place called Liberty Diner. Despite the rainbow flags in the window, Mulder approached it. It looked like the sort of place one could get a decent tuna melt and maybe a piece of pie. Better than a greasy spoon, but still with the cosy atmosphere. 

It was open, not quite crowded, but with most of the booths occupied by a pre club crowd from the looks of it, gay men, mostly, getting a bit of ballast before heading out to an evening of dancing and drinking. Mulder found an empty booth and slid into it, picking up one of the plastic coated menus and looking at it without really seeing it. He looked around him. Gay positive everything fairly bedecked the place, struggling for space with safe sex posters and events posters. The clintele of the place were nonchalantly, easily out. Men’s arms draped over other men’s shoulders as they sat side by side in booths. Hands were held. Cruising was in heavy evidence, though it was just staring, watching, nothing heavy. In his turtleneck sweater and black rain slicker with the silver reflective tape on the sleeves, Mulder felt very out of place, old, plain and ugly, among all the ready for the party crowd. Birds of paradise, they were. Hothouse flowers. Exotic, at least to his experience. 

A waitress, wide, motherly, with a ferious mop of red hair that he suspected was a wig approached him. Her shirt was covered with buttons. PFLAG. Safe sex. Rainbows. I’m proud of my gay son. Pink triangles. Straight but not narrow. That shirt was leopard skin. She seemed genial and welcoming even before she spoke. Mulder rather suspected she was carrying dozens of condoms and would hand them out freely without the slightest provocation. 

“You look like you’re new in town, sweetie. And a bit lost. I’m Debbie.” Her voice was brash, but so kind. He found himself liking her despite himself. 

He smiled at her, remembering how once upon a time ago, it had been as if his face had lost the memory of how to smile. Not now though. The skill of smiling was one of the things Walter had given back to him. “Fox Mulder.” 

“What a wonderful name. So fitting.” she gushed. “Well, if you need help finding your way around, well, the whole neighborhood troops through here sometime or another.” 

“I’m from Indiana, a college professor. I’m in town for the students in criminal justice convention.” 

“Oh, a college professor! I should introduce you to my son Mikey. He’s so broken hearted since…” 

“I’m married, Debbie. I came here for pie.” Mulder said, easily. He held out his left hand so that the gold band caught the light. 

She flustered for a moment, obviously rearranging her conclusions. “I’m sorry.” she said after a moment, more subdued, suddenly just another waitress in a diner to him. “I suppose I shouldn’t jump to conclusions just because you came in here. She must be a wonderful woman, since you
seem to miss her.” 

“Debbie, his name’s Walter.” Mulder said. “An ex-Marine and a carpenter who has against all logic and reason decided that he loves me.” Mulder didn’t add that Walter also used to be one of the highest law enforcement officials in the country. It just didn’t seem to fit in that much with his picture of who Walter was anymore. A.D. Skinner had passed away in much the same way that Special Agent Fox Mulder had. For the best probably. Walter was a better man than AD Skinner had been, not penned in by compromise and circumstance, no longer forced to make decisions he hated by vicissitudes he could never control. 

Smiling as she realized that she’d jumped to the wrong conclusion again, Debbie said, “What can I get for you, sweetie? I don’t recommend any of our pies. Have the lemon bar instead.” 

For a moment, Mulder was heartsick for Walter’s cooking. “I don’t suppose you have meatloaf, do you?” 

“Of course. Right up.” Debbie glanced behind her at the sound of the opening door. Mulder looked over her shoulder to see four men enter the diner together. One who would have been
good looking except for everything about him said nancy screaming queen, especially the fake fur jacket shed as they came in covering up a mesh, close cut thing that could only be called a shirt out of convenience. A meek accountant type wearing a blue button down, who looked like the only one Mulder might find something in common with. A happy-go-lucky type in an X-men tshirt and jeans, laughing at some joke shared before they walked in. And then the obvious alpha of the pack. Devastatingly handsome and he knew it, his clothes all designer. Mulder recognized the look. He’d been accused of being a clothes horse in his day, though no, his suits had never been Armani like rumored. This specimen though, decidedly, was Hugo Boss through and through, black leather jacket, black pants, sleek and gorgeous. His hair fell in an agreeable tumble over his forehead. He managed to look masculine and predatory while still holding some…no, not
quite feminine at all either…but not manly in the way Walter was. Oh! Mulder got it suddenly. This was alpha male, queer style. Decidely, unabashedly, shamelessly gay. A man whose gaze would roam over other men, unapologetically, looking for the next conquest. Top of the heap by reasons of attractiveness and force of personality and little else. This was something Mulder had never seen before, much less understood. Now, he saw, he wanted to see more. 

All Debbie said was, “Here comes trouble.” Under her breath though. Then she added, “I’ll go put your order in, sweetie.” 

She left. The alpha caught Mulder’s eye, acknowleging the stare that Mulder couldn’t help continuing. The alpha broke away from his pack. Mulder swallowed, suddenly realizing the man’s destination. He was paralysed. Entranced as the other man slipped into Mulder’s booth without invitation. Mulder had never before been the object of the serious hunt like this. Walter by his side had always fended off everything but the clumsiest of pick up attempts at the club in Dayton. The other man moved easily, gracefully, with loose bones that already suggested a post coital languor. Mulder’s heart sped up and his breathing grew perceptibly more rapid. He was hungry suddenly, but not for the promised meatloaf. This was unfamiliar, the thought that anyone besides Walter could want him in the way that the other man’s suggestion of a smile promised. Even newer, the thought that he would want a man besides Walter in this way. In a way that grabbed his balls and made his whole abdomen jump. And Fox Mulder was not without his vanity. It was almost shatteringly flattering, the thought that the much younger, much more gorgeous man would consider him worth contemplating conquering. Almost enough to make Mulder forget for the moment about wrinkles and graying hair and the fact that he was approaching fifty. 

“New in town?” the other man said. The question implied was more along the lines of ‘welcome to my territory. You want to see it? My way, of course.’ 

“Here for the Student’s In Criminal Justice convention.” Mulder answered. Not sure how this was supposed to go, not even sure what the hell he was doing, he answered with honesty. He wasn’t going to make this easy for the alpha, he decided. He certainly wasn’t going to humiliate himself
by throwing himself at the young man. “I’m a professor, I have students presenting. Just here for the weekend.” 

The alpha glanced at Mulder’s left hand and seemed to take offense at what he saw there. He sneered, “I see you must have left wifey at home while you’re out looking for weekend fun.” 

“Wifey is a six-feet two, two-hundred and twenty pound ex-Marine who would probably pound you to hamburger if he saw you looking at me that way.” Mulder said mildly. Actually, that was probably the last thing Walter would do. Not inclined to violence for the sake of violence to begin with, since leaving the Bureau Walter was downright pacifistic. Actually, Mulder said it more because he hoped the thought of an implied alpha confrontation would increase his desirability. The young alpha would score a point, not just a notch on his bedpost by snatching him away for a while from another alpha. 

“And if he caught you looking that way at me?” 

“I don’t know. I’ve never gone looking before. Anyway, I’m here for the meatloaf. That’s what I’m looking for.” But as he spoke, he kept looking right into the stranger’s eyes, body language belying his words, telling the other man with his eyes, yes, let’s fuck. 

A short while later, Debbie brought a plate loaded with meatloaf, mashed potatoes. She nearly dropped it on the table when she saw his company. “Brian Kinney, you leave him alone. He’s got someone at home. Someone who sounds really nice.” 

Mulder was about to say something to Debbie, but a complex, unspoken conversation was going on between the two of them with angry flashing eyes. This Brian Kinney finally decided Mulder wasn’t worth the wrath he would face from Debbie. Fair enough. Brian was obviously a regular of some kind here, knew Debbie far better than he would ever know Mulder, even if Mulder did end up in Brian’s bed. Debbie was a fixture in his life and Brian apparently either respected her or
decided a half hour fling wasn’t worth the grief she could give him. Brian got up from the booth and said, “Enjoy your visit to town. Tell wifey I said hi.” 

Then Brian retreated to the table where the other three were now seated. They fell immediately in a gossipy, easy conversation. Probably about Mulder. They were far enough away that Mulder couldn’t hear. Mulder envied them for a moment, the carefree give and take, their openess. Even
envied the screaming queen his laughter. Not that Walter and he were closeted by any means, but it wasn’t like this. Their life wasn’t centered around being gay, not like all of this. It was just their life. They paid bills. Made dinner and washed dishes. He graded papers; Walter built and installed cabinets. 

Mulder shook his head, wondered what the hell he’d been thinking and then started on his meatloaf. Not like Walter’s at all, this was covered with gravy, not tomato sauce. Confused by his own mental state, wondering how one minute he could be homesick for the man’s tomato sauce, the next minute seriously contemplating fucking another man. Cheating on Walter. He’d never said the words, not aloud, but still the standard marriage vows were an unspoken assumption
between the two of them. He only managed half the plate, sick to his stomach at himself. He was considering just leaving a twenty on the table, dinner and a more than generous tip and just going. Brian Kinney brushed past him, apparently on the way to the bathroom. A card was clandestinely dropped on the table. Mulder covered it with a hand and swept it to him. He took a look at it still cupped in his hand. It was a business card thick white cardstock, linen press, with raised black
letters. Brian Kinney was an advertising account executive with a major firm around here. On the back was hand written an address and “15 minutes.” 

Mulder left the twenty on the table like he’d been planning, hoping to slip out without catching sight of Debbie, feeling already like a slimy, cheating bastard, knowing what Debbie would think of him if she knew what he was doing. She managed to catch his eye as he left and she didn’t say
anything. But her face had fallen. She siddled up to him and almost as he expected, she slipped a handful of little square packages to him. He hadn’t had to be familiar with them lately, but what they were was unmistakeable. He almost wanted to quipe, ‘gee, thanks, mom.’ to her, but that intimacy wasn’t there and probably never would be now. She had seemed happy about him somehow before, in specific that he’d had someone he obviously loved. Now, though, he’d become just another one of the boys who slipped through here every night in search of a short while’s company. It had been years since he’d lost someone’s respect this quickly. 

Not sure still what he decision was, he slipped back out into the night, leaving the artificial cheeriness of the Liberty diner behind him. He wandered through the well lit streets of
Pittsburgh’s small gay district, back towards the hotel, but also, part of him noted, in the direction of the street that Brian Kinney had indicated on the business card. Mulder had, of course, memorized the part of the city map around the hotel. He knew exactly where Brian Kinney’s street was and wasn’t exactly surprised to find himself turning down it, rather than heading straight on to the hotel. 

When he arrived at the address, he lurked in the shadows across the street from what had once been an industrial building, warehouse perhaps, but was now a luxury loft conversion. Brian Kinney, from the look of this, did very well by himself as an ad executive. Mulder was, honestly,
a little envious. Not that government compensation was exactly generous, but he earned even less now as a college professor than he had as a G13. Between child support and the money trap victorian, it was a struggle sometimes. 

Kinney was waiting outside, arms crossed, scanning the night. Mulder’s old skills served him in good stead and Kinney didn’t catch sight of Mulder, for five, ten minutes. He was still trying to decide just what it was he was going to do when Kinney appeared to give up. The other man shrugged his shoulders, gave the night one final look, then turned to go, not up to his loft, but out to the hunt again. Mulder was obviously just another body to him, another anonymous fuck. Mulder knew Kinney’s name, but Kinney, Mulder noted, hadn’t asked Mulder’s and probably wouldn’t. Mulder’s feet were moving before he’d made a conscious decision. He stepped out of
the shadow and across the street. Walter would never have to know, would he? 

Mulder’s long legs and traitorous body brought him across the street with rapid, easy steps. Inside, part of Mulder watched with mute horror as he approached the other man. Walter wouldn’t have to know, but this still would poison the love they had, as far from perfect as it was. Yet it still kept Mulder sane, was still the plug on that gigantic hole where his heart had once been torn out. He knew all this, but couldn’t stop himself from walking up to the gorgeous younger man and saying, “Hey. I came. I assume that’s what you meant. I’ve never done this before and I’m unfamiliar with the etiquette.” 

“The etiquette is simple. We go upstairs. I fuck you. You leave and go home to wifey.” With that, he put Mulder into a clinch, right there, out on the street. He pushed him against the rough, cold brick wall of the nearest building and out of the light. Mulder almost reacted violently, long dormant instincts peeking their head up as if this were a fight and then add the anger at hearing Walter described again as wifey. 

Of course, what right did he have to be angry about that? His own sin here, his own betrayal was far greater than any disrespect that Kinney could heap on. Mulder was about to have sex with this strange man. He was erect, breathing heavily, traitorous body wanting even rougher and more
familiar touches. The younger man was slightly shorter than Mulder and now that they were close, Mulder could tell that he was more slender than he looked in his clothes. There was something pleasant to this, knowing that he was the stronger one here and almost certainly the more dangerous one. Walter was always slightly taller, much more muscular, stronger. He would never use it against Mulder, there was that implicit trust. But it was always there, an elephant in the living room they didn’t talk about. 

Kinney’s hands roved while he planted light kisses on Mulder’s neck and jawline, moving closer and closer to Mulder’s mouth, as if asking a question. Mulder answered, “Don’t kiss me.” Somehow, that would be even a greater betrayal than bodies just getting off on each other, as if it
would defile that first kiss Mulder had shared with Walter. Kinney removed his lips from Mulder’s face, but his hands continued to roam. 

Kinney found something under Mulder’s jacket. Something he didn’t like. His hands flew off Mulder as if burnt and he stepped back. Damn. Mulder had forgotten the gun. Well, it wasn’t like he’d planned to go out prowling for an anonymous fuck. The holster and the weight of the gun was something so familiar, Mulder didn’t think about it most of the time, just another part of the clothes he put on to face the world. 

“What the fuck?” Kinney was saying. “I thought you said you were a college professor. I may not know anything about guns, but I do know that’s big enough to be major firepower. What are you really?” 

“I am a college professor. Now. Criminal justice. I used to be a cop. A fed. Special Agent with the FBI. There are people out there who still have grudges out there about perps I brought to justice back then, enough that I have legitimate cause to worry. I have all the permits I need to legally
carry this thing pretty much anywhere I want. If it makes you feel better, except for target practice, it hasn’t been fired in nearly ten years.” 

“Damn. And I thought I had to be worried about wifey, not you.” 

“Oh, I’d still be worried about wifey. He used to be my boss.” 

Kinney seemed to regain courage, perhaps the aphrodesiac of the potential power exchange here was working, the thought of not just stealing this prize from the other alpha, but of topping a man who should in his own right be just as alpha, just as tough. Kinney closed the gap between them again, hands knowing just exactly the responses they wanted from Mulder’s traitorous body, nothing overtly sexual was touched just yet, hands nowhere near dick or ass, but still those hands
demanded a response and got it. It was nothing like sex with Walter. The touch was rapacious, wanting and taking, hard and unrelenting. Walter could be like that sometimes, but when Walter took like that, every bit of himself was offered back in return. Plunderer gave himself up to being plundered in turn. Brian Kinney just took. 

And yet, how intoxicating it was to be wanted in just exactly this manner, with no apologies, no mutuality. Mulder was ready to offer himself up, ready to surrender to this. He would have gone through with this, except he felt something tugging at his ring finger. 

“Take this off and put it in your pocket or something.” Kinney said. “I can’t do this thinking about your wifey.” 

Mulder was frozen. He’d never, not once, taken off that ring since the night he’d put it on while Walter served meatloaf. It belonged there. Like he belonged in Walter’s arms, not in the octopus hands of this total stranger. The part of him that had been watching in mute horror before decided it had taken enough of this crap and found its voice now. He said simply, automatically, “No. Fuck you.” and then “I can’t.” 

“What, it doesn’t come off anymore?” Kinney made another pull on the ring and Mulder pulled away from the grabbing, invasive hands. He had to slap Kinney’s hand off his ring finger. He stepped back three paces giving him over a good clear yard between Kinney and himself and he knew he would never close that distance between them again. 

“I don’t know. I’ve never tried. But it’s not coming off.” 

“What the fuck is your problem here? I’m here to get off. I thought you were too. What are you really here for?” 

“I honestly don’t know. I’m going now. This was a mistake.” He pulled Kinney’s business card out of his pocket, dropped it on the ground and just walked away, not waiting for Kinney’s
response, not caring what it was. 

He made his way back to the hotel. He had a momentary fear that Lyddie would be waiting up for him, wanting to tell her how it went, but she was nowhere to be seen, hopefully sleeping. He let himself into the anonymous hotel room with the key card. He shut the door behind him and then leaned against it, head back, one hand over his eyes as if fending off a headache. In a moment, he cautiously took his hand away, as if it wasn’t doing any good. The hotel room was warm, almost
hot. He shucked off his jacket and dropped it on the floor near the door. 

“Oh, fuck! What did I just do?” he muttered to himself. Then it was there, knocking at his consciousness, the stirrings of a full blown panic attack, familiar and hated, perhaps the same one
he’d fended off earlier this morning. Breathe, he told himself. He looked around the room for something, anything to take himself out of himself. He felt his pocket, the cell phone that was in there. He could call someone. He could call Walter and Walter would talk him through this. But Mulder couldn’t do that, could he, not with the grimy feeling of his infidelity clinging to him like dirt. That more than anything was the cause of this panic attack and he wasn’t ready to have that conversation with Walter yet, not over the phone. He’d screwed up, royally. Not that Walter wouldn’t forgive him, but he’d changed everything between them. 

As he felt the first clutching pain in his chest and the unthinking need to flee mounted, he muttered to himself, trying to reason himself through this, like he had learned over the years. “No
point in running. This is internal. I can’t out run myself. Just myself here to get me through this. No, myself and God. We can deal with this.” His prayer was silent, not even verbalized in his mind, just a sense of needing help. He forced himself to breathe slowly and deeply. Mulder looked around the room again and this time, his eye rested on his briefcase. Plenty of student papers to grade, plenty of work to do. Yes, he could focus on that. He breathed deeply and dragged the briefcase to bed with him. He took the holster off, tucked that into the briefcase and put the gun out of sight under the bed, but within easy reach. He pulled out a stack of papers. He grabbed a red pen and almost started. He was still shaking. This work was not comforting, not in the slightest. It was, he decided, too much like going over case files in a lonely hotel room, in his
former life. He looked around the room for something else to occupy himself. 

There was the small amber bottle of medication in his garment bag, just one and he’d find himself quite able to cope. But the next day, he’d feel stupid and slow. Mulder knew that the only reason his doctor was so free with her prescription pad was that she knew he hated the drugged feeling and most of the pills would be tossed out once the expiration date rolled by. But keeping that prescription current was still a necessary security blanket, just one that he didn’t think he should
invoke tonight. 

The television sat on the dresser opposite the bed, a big black unblinking eye. Once his constant companion, now it was a stranger. He’d gotten rid of his television because something in him recognized it as a block to his healing. It replaced thought, was a substitute for feeling. Something that he could hide behind and not really deal with his issues. He had recognized that he couldn’t do the healing he needed to do with it as a possible escape; that if he was going to allow the silence of his refuge to heal him, he had to listen to the silence. So he had left it in DC. He was past that point now, but Walter hadn’t brought his television either and they’d just never brought
up getting another. In any case, it held no appeal for him now. 

Mulder rummaged in the briefcase, wondering if maybe he had a novel he’d tucked in and forgotten. No luck. Only student papers to grade and the laptop. The laptop, of course. There
was other work he had to get to, not school related. He opened it up, propped it on his lap and waited for the logon script to finish. He was already breathing more slowly as he opened up the games folder. By the time he had finished his three ritual games of freecell, he was ready for work.
He pulled up the folder for his writing and selected the file titled, “Agua Malo.” 

He was, under the pseudonym of William Hobb, the author of a series of mildly successful young adult mystery novels. Not big time, nowhere near approaching the success of Stine’s
Goosebumps, but very strong mid-listers that got the occasional favorable review from places like Booklist and Kirkus Reviews. Most writers didn’t make the big bucks people thought they did and he was no exception. He wasn’t successful enough to make it a sole income and he wouldn’t
have wanted to, but it was a very important suppliment to his income, the thing that paid the child support. He’d started writing them seven years ago, as a way of talking about the things that he could never talk to with a therapist because some of them were classified, some of them would just get him labelled crazy, but not in a way that would help a therapist heal him. Part of it was wish fulfillment too. The books were about the adventures of Marty and his pal Walt, no little redhead in sight. Part of it was how easily he could lose himself in the writing, without feeling like he was lost. Mulder had written the first couple without showing anyone, but had eventually
shown Walter who had been impressed. Walter still had occasional contact with his old friend in Hollywood. That friend had contacts that gotten Mulder an agent. 

Mulder quickly skimmed through the last few chapters to remember where he was in the story and then was quickly absorbed in the adventures of his two intrepid boy investigators, imminent panic attack averted and nearly forgotten in the easy flow of words. It left him feeling merely
weak and slightly shaky by the time he fell asleep. 

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Mom, Don't Go Here (Kai, that goes for you too)
Write me, damn you (but be gentle... I bruise easy)
 Copyright 2001 Michele. All rights reserved.  I went to law school.