We Need A Little Christmas

Indeed! I feel so weird today--almost panicky, crash position, what am I doing, where's the cliff? And at the same time, I'm peaceful and pleased with life, adoring my friends and feeling adored.
Hi Brent!
I just feel like there's so much to do, so much I want to do, and somehow I'm just not getting it together. Is it possible to be this old and still be this big a neurotic mess? I mean, jeebus, here I am, trying to have a life or something, and the best I can congratulate myself for is actually sweeping the floor yesterday...
You'd think I could do a little better than that.
Apparently I'm not as good at my job as I thought I was...sucks to be me. Oh well.
In the meantime, Space is bringing XF to an end, which makes me far unhappier than it should, my writing is going very well at work, but I never seem to have the time to bring it to life on the computer, and I've Herrenvolk playing softly in the background...
I'm glad Christmas is coming soon, and even though I have to work, I think it's going to be nice.

We Need A Little Christmas
Music and Lyric by Jerry Herman

Haul out the holly;
Put up the tree before my spirit falls again.
Fill up the stocking,
I may be rushing things, but deck the halls again now.
For we need a little Christmas
Right this very minute,
Candles in the window,
Carols at the spinet.
Yes, we need a little Christmas
Right this very minute.
It hasn't snowed a single flurry,
But Santa, dear, we're in a hurry;
So climb down the chimney;
Turn on the brightest string of light I've ever seen.
Slice up the fruitcake;
It's time we hung some tinsel on that evergreen bough.
For I've grown a little leaner,
Grown a little colder,
Grown a little sadder,
Grown a little older,
And I need a little angel
Sitting on my shoulder,
Need a little Christmas now.
For we need a little music,
Need a little laughter,
Need a little singing
Ringing through the rafter,
And we need a little snappy
"Happy ever after,"
Need a little Christmas now.