Mama needs a new notebook, to keep all her thoughts from scattering like so much ugly guy's phone number on a bar room floor...
Yay, for man and boyo, for getting their general shit together--hello, totally cool guy+those eyes--yeah, let's work on keeping that going for a while.
Had the talk that I was dreading for the longest time, and I don't think there's a way around it, though I wish there was.
If you missed DD on Ellen, well, suffice to say, it's about time, and he and I could now have coffee together without me being so mean to him, I think.
Work is good, the boy at work is good, though not good for me--pipe dreams, and I refuse to buy into that crap anymore, I'm just too damned old.
Bar is good, though I'm a little distressed at how AGM season turns so many people into either loonies or sheep.
Not much else. I'm tired, nothing new there. It's Easter, and church was interesting, though less fulfilling than Christmas was. Maybe the location? Maybe the solemn nature of the service--maybe too religious? I dunno. Blessed Sacrament is really pretty though.
Gotta get us a brunch reservation--I can't wait for Gospel Brunch!!
I do have that three hour window on Wednesday--ah forget it, I'm just thinking out loud...never mind...oh, look, a pony!!!!
This song? yeah, oldie but a goodie--you have no idea where I've been--how easy it is--okay, wait, let me backtrack a bit--it's spring you see, and traditionally, my least sane season. I have this really annoying habit of self analysis and tripping down memory lane that usually starts in March and lasts til May and sucks like Electrolux....but I do it anyway. So forewarned is forearmed, as they say--if I seem like a shmuck these days, it's cos I'm thinking of the good ol days, the bad ol days, and all the days in between. Too much. I just do it, and then I move on. No big, don't worry, and I'll try to keep dancing for ya...

Well, not much else to report today. Happy Easter, everyone!!

What's on My Mind?
Album: Leftoverture
Artist: Kansas

Well you told me that I was just not the one,
And you left me standing out in the cold
It's been a long tiime and I'm so much better now,
That I'm looking back and seeing it all
and for the first time there's no pain in my life
Though it's a long hard road that I've gone
We had a good thing and it made me a man cause I know

You got me goin', pardon me my feelings are showing
I'm only saying what's on my mind

Well I found you or maybe I found myself
And I think we knew it all of the time
We fit together just like a lock and a key
And we opened up each other's minds
Yeah, I was laughing 'cause there was no room to cry
There was too much growing to do
We had a good time and it ain't over yet 'cause I know


You came from nowhere and you just jumped in my life
and I know it never will be the same
You made me love you and now I'm home once again
No, I never want to leave you no more
'Cause I'm attached to the better half of myself
And there's nowhere else that I'd rather be
You filled an empty, you fixed a bad broken heart, and I know