Rain, rain rain...three weeks of it now, with just one sunny day--conveniently, the day of the PtCS Pride Picnic--yeah, I put a word in Upstairs for that one *L*

Was pleased to talk to so many people yesterday who had never done a Pride Parade before, and discover how empowered and wonderful it felt for them. D especially--you go lady!

Wow, holy drunkeness batman!! I really need to start bartending again, my weekends are turning into old high school adventures. I even drank gin last night for God's sake. Bleah!! Haven't touched that shit since the freaking Parkside days--it's all Sasha Mae's fault.

The drag show was fun, and Deedz spanking Anne for charity was a moment to be savored!!! I have to say, I totally forgot it was a Princess foo foo show--no crown, no nametag even, hell, no dressing up of any kind--best I could manage was clean underwear *L* Guess I'm getting too old and fat for fancy. Meh, I'm still fabulous. At least, I think so.

Mitchell's "Scarecrow" made me cry like a baby. Again, if anyone didn't know, we really do have some fucktard idjits in this world, and I can only hope those bastards in Wyoming get what's coming to them. There's stupid, and there's annoying, and we live with it daily (just His way of telling us we're doing a good job with ourselves, that's my theory), but man, when you run into complete wackos who have somehow got it in their head that killing people is a good thing....

Maybe the rain is a sign....I'll get the boat, you get the animals....

Whatever. The name of the game today is rehydration, and I have to go wake up Thommy now (or pry him off the boyfriend *L*) as we're having a princess bbq today.

Cheers all, oh, and you, over there--yeah, okay, you too--though I can't be here as much as I wish I could, you're in my thoughts just the same, cos I love you!

I Made It Through The Rain--Barry Manilow
We dreamers have our ways
Of facing rainy days
And somehow we survive

We keep the feelings warm
Protect them from the storm
Until our time arrives

Then one day the sun appears
And we come shining through those lonely years

I made it through the rain
I kept my world protected
I made it throught the rain
I kept my point of view
I made it through the rain
And found myself respected
By the others who
Got rained on too
And made it through

When friends are hard to find
And life seems so unkind
Sometimes you feel so afraid

Just aim beyond the clouds
And rise above the crowds
And start your own parade

'Cause when I chased my fears away
That's when I knew that I could finally say

I made it through the rain
I kept my world protected
I made it throught the rain
I kept my point of view
I made it through the rain
And found myself respected
By the others who
Got rained on too
And made it through