[Walking After You]

The lyrics really have nothing to do with my mood, which is very good. but it's good in that summertime way, which this song, among others from the XF movie soundtrack, bring back so amazingly. If you can believe it, Curt came to that movie with me. Mister "no x-files" guy. so strange how things change. I remember we walked part of the way there cos it took so long for the bus to come. And it was a hot summer day, like today, which is how this song always makes me feel.

Michael was in town this week for far too short a visit--it was so so good to see him, and I wish we'd had more time. He bought me a mouse and blueberry scones, and I bought him a sundae and a chai tea slurpee *L* It was amazing. Apparently he went to buy a disc or something and saw Sean, which was totally uneventful, he said. I twitched anyway. He told Sean he was coming to Regina and the guy didn't blink. Apparently we're totally off his radar now. This is so not a bad thing. I want to visit Michael again soon!!

Work is very good right now--hope it lasts.

Buffy has me panting this week. Season six, nekkid Spike, nuff said.

Last thought--okay, second last thought--my mouse fucking rocks!! Now last thought. I love you big brother, and will be praying hard for you in the weeks to come. Keep an eye out for distractions in the mail. Cheers!

Walking After You

Tonight I'm tangled in my blanket of clouds
dreaming aloud
things just won't do without you matter of fact
I'm on your back

If you walk out on me
I'm walking after you

If you'd accept surrender
give up some more
weren't you adored
I cannot be without you matter of fact
I'm on your back

If you walk out on me
Im walking after you
another heart is cracked in two
Im on your back