Love and Understanding
Got a little Cher on the brain cos we've got Cher tickets raffling off at the club. This is her millionth final tour or something *L* I mean don't get me wrong, she's great, but she's been farewelling forever it feels like. Hmmm, maybe that's why I'm liking it right now. Final farewell, but not leaving. That sounds good to me!

Wish me luck on the trainer job. I so hope I at least get an interview. I give good interview :)

I think Tony's tired of hearing from me *L* It's my new thing. We're not saint and beggar, we're just pals. We have coffee, I pray, he listens, you know, it's casual....I keep thinking I should just put the big rant in here and be done with it and then maybe it wouldn't haunt me so bad, cos right now I'm in a really bad "it's not what you're eating it's what's eating you" place, and I know exactly why--well, I'm sure there's lots of other things too, but that's the biggest one. Just one more thing to suck up, cowboy it up, be strong about. I'm just worried that if I think about it too hard, I'll be the one in the kitchen breaking the water glass and eating the pieces. Okay, maybe not that bad, but I know I've got it in my head to the point of distraction. Hey, Tony, you listening. Please?

Heat sucks. Humidity at something like 83 percent??? That's unnatural. Or maybe totally natural and we just never noticed before *L* On a not so lighter note, holy fucked up weather everywhere. I know, I know, there's a Reason and a Plan, but holy crap sometimes it's hard to see.

I don't know who's going to show up for brunch, though I hope Shane does--I miss him.

and final thought this morning--you really can't have too much love and understanding. So hey, you all out there--I love you. And you other guys over there? Even if I don't love you, I understand you. Be well, everyone.... As Stan the Man says, Excelsior! (look at the second definition in the dictionary, not the foam packing chips one).

Love and Understanding-Cher
Here, here in this world
Where do we go
Where can we turn
When we need some love
It seems that love
Just can't be found
Where, where do we stand
When love's supply
Don't meet love's demand

We got enough stars
To light the sky at night
Enough sun to make
The whole world bright
We got more than enough
But there's one thing
There's just not enough of?

Not enough love and understanding
We could use some love
To ease these troubled times
Not enough love and understanding
Why, oh why

Spend all of our time
Building buildings up to the sky
Reaching everywhere but where
We need to reach the most
Hearts never can win
Oh, in this race
This race that we're in

We've got enough cars
To drive around the world
Enough planes to take us anywhere
We got more than enough
But there's one thing
There's just not enough of?

Chorus x 2

We need some understandin'
We need a little more love
Some love and understandin'
Enough stars to light the sky at night
Enough sun to make the whole world bright
Enough hearts to find some love inside
We got more than enough
But there's one thing
There's just not enough of?
