Kiss Me...
Well, she did. Course she was drunk, but hey, first tongue I've had in my mouth besides my own in years. It was nice.

Fucking drama! If it's not lesbians throwing bottles at each other, it's stupid breeders fighting over nothing. Str8 men suck so hard, how the hell am I ever supposed to get a date?! Maybe I've just been too spoiled by all the good gay men in my life, but the rest of the genders and sexualities just suck. Str8 women are bitches and don't tip, Str8 guys are all posturing and bullshit, and lesbians are worse than drag queens for overblown crap drama. Bleah!!!

Apparently if you work at Star Tek you have to show at the club at some point. Nice. No big, I'm not in anybody's closet, but leave the attitude at home, that's my motto.

Think about that kiss some more. Much nicer...

Still chatting with Tony regular like, and I'm feeling a little more optimistic this week. Still scared, but not so much. Oh, and there's a new bunny in the house. Hi Tucker! (waves)

Short and sweet this week, but my house is an abortion and I have to do something!!

Love to you all, and you know who you are, worldwide. Hugs!!

Kiss Me (with your mouth)
Stephen Tin Tin Duffy

In my young life I have received
Callers as though they were Christmas Eve.
Disappointed and I don't know why?
She gave me laughter and hopeAnd a sock in the eye.
(A love like this is sealed with a kiss)
In my young life  I know something now.
I've never tried to create a wow.
Wows are few frustration more common.
Now I can feel it in my soul,
That's why I gave the come on.
Kiss me with your mouth.
Your love is better than wine.
But wine is all I have.
Will your love ever be mine?
Faces fall before my feet.
Like blood onto a clean white sheet.
When I grow old I won't forget
To innocence my only debt.
Wow I feel so fresh today.
Barefoot in the snow to make love in the hay.
The stars are bright in the abyss,
Now I can feel you in my arms
I explode inside your kiss.