Life is crazy. Up and down just like a merry go round. Can only pray today will be an up day. For me, for thee, for all of us. I have nothing new to report at this time as I'm up to my ass in alligators, as it were, and just don't have the time for deep and meaningful shit right now. Don't panic, I'll get some good newsy stuff on here October...when I have a day off again *L*
Hugs and love to you all, and Tony, thanks, keep up the great work! :)

'Til The Merry Go Round Broke Down

Hold your seats folks, here we go again
My name is Daffy Duck
I work on the merry-go-round
The job was swell, I did quite well
'Till the merry-go-round broke down
The guy that worked with me
Was a horse with the lavender eye
Around in whirls we winked at girls
'Till the merry-go-round broke down
Up and down and around it we sped
The dizzy pace soon went to my head
Now you know why I'm dizzy
And do the things I do
I am askew and you'd be too
When the merry-go-round broke down
Yes the merry go round broooookkkkkkeeeeeeeeee.... down