Home of the Goddess
Home-->Mom, Don't Go Here
Incarnations of the Goddess
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The Story Of My Life
Title:  The Story Of My Life Pt. 1: Just Like That
Author: Chad Skywalker
Fandom: X-Files
Pairing: M/K
Spoilers: Nothing too major
Rating: G
Beta: none
Disclaimer: All familiar characters are owned by CC,
Fox and 1013. Song lyrics written by Benny Andersson and Bjorn Ulvaeus. No infringement intended.
Feedback: Always welcome Chad_Skywalker@webtv.net
Archive:  Yes, please
Summary: Each chapter of this WIP story is based on the
beautiful music of ABBA. I've woven a story around my favorite songs, and I really hope that everyone likes it. I'm seriously and sadly blocked with my Dangerous Undercurrents /Conundrum series so I decided to work on this idea, which I've been wanting to write for a long time. Please let me know if I should continue. Thank you.

Dedication: Michele, this one's for you.


Alex Krycek sat on the cushioned window seat, a pair
of bright jade eyes staring wistfully onto the rain
washed street below. How had things changed so
dramatically? He'd lost the one person he ever truly
loved. He leaned his head back and sighed with deep

The romance had started out rocky to say the least.
Until that day he'd met Fox William Mulder, his life
had been a river following a safe predestinated
course. He'd devoted his life to his work, but when
he'd been pulled into the Consortium his life had
changed forever; detouring so unexpectedly with
uncompromising force.

All he had to do was keep an eye on Mulder and keep
the truth firmly hidden from him. His strongholds
broke down all too easily the moment he laid eyes on
the agent. Alex smiled faintly, remembering well how
his initial longing for Mulder had embarrassed him.
Especially the day he emerged from that pool...

He'd catch himself staring at Mulder when he wasn't
looking, memorizing everything about him: his lush,
dark hair; those fiercely intelligent hazel eyes that
could melt anyone in their tracks; the cute little
mole on his cheek; the proud nose... Alex had quite
literally hung on to the man's every smile. Sometimes
he wasn't too subtle on how he marveled at his style.

Just like that had been so long ago...

The first time Mulder visited his modest apartment, it
had been one of those magic moments that only happens
in the movies. He walked inside as smug as a cat,
carrying with him a six pack to enjoy over a
basketball game. They could have been on another
planet as far as Alex was concerned. Mulder was just
too damn handsome and smart for his own good. With
each little look, he could slowly feel Mulder walking
away with his heart.

He tried in vain to push the voice of CSM Spender from
his mind. He couldn't do it, he simply could not work
against Mulder. Still, through it all Alex had
continued to throw dust in his eyes.

Even after falling in love with the irrestible,
brooding agent, Alex lead him on. He often wondered if
he possessed a split personality, the Hyde in him
pressing him to do things he didn't want to. Maybe a
part of him knew that someday soon Mulder would be

His time with Mulder had been bliss, up until the end.
After everything he'd done, Alex had opened up to him.
But Mulder had learned his secrets in his never ending
quest for the truth. He'd literally left no stone

Alex sniffed and watched as the storm sent a flow of
water rushing down his window. Like his life, once
again the river was flowing slowly. The past was
firmly behind him, and he'd become a changed man. This
safe and uneventful course was quite a change for a
former Rat bastard like him.

His heart had never healed after Mulder, but now the
tears had finally dried. No matter what went down
between them, he could honestly recall their time
together without remorse. In fact, on lonely nights
like this he wondered where Mulder was. He smiled to
himself, imagining him chasing down little grey men
and shouting to the heavens for someone to believe
him. Well, Alex always did. He had to admit, Mulder
definitely had something that he missed.

He hoped that his Fox was happy wherever he may be.
Krycek shrugged sadly, guessing that Mulder would
always be a quirky rolling stone. He would always love
him, because Mulder had been the only love he'd known.

Hugging himself to comfort his feelings, secretly
hoping that he might see Fox again. Even if it was
only for a chat...

Yes, just like that. 

*The Lyrics*
(B. Andersson, B. Ulvaeus)

Until that day
My life had been a river
Following a safe predestinated course
Suddenly detouring so unexpectedly
With uncompromising force
My strongholds broke down all too easily
I remember well how it did embarrass me
I hung on to his every smile
Marveled at his style

Just like that
He walked into my house
As smug as a cat
He was handsome and smart
Walked away with my heart
Just like that
He found a temporary home in my flat
Telling innocent lies
Throwing dust in my eyes
But I led him on
Knowing that someday soon he'd be gone
Just like that
As though he'd only stopped a while for a chat
But my secrets he learned
Leaving no stone unturned

And once again
The river's flowing slowly
Following its safe and uneventful course
Now the tears have dried
It's become a pleasant break
I recall without remorse
But now and then I wonder where he is
And I will admit he had something that I miss
I guess he was a rolling stone
The only one I've known

Just like that
He walked into my house
As smug as a cat
He was handsome and smart
Walked away with my heart
Just like that
He found a temporary home in my flat
Telling innocent lies
Throwing dust in my eyes
But I led him on
Knowing that someday soon he'd be gone
Just like that
As though he'd only stopped a while for a chat
But my secrets he learned
Leaving no stone unturned

Just like that
He walked into my house
As smug as a cat
He was handsome and smart
Walked away with my heart
Just like that
As though he'd only stopped a while for a chat
But my secrets he learned
Leaving no stone unturned
Just like that

© 1982 Polar Music International AB


Mom, Don't Go Here (Kai, that goes for you too)
Write me, damn you (but be gentle... I bruise easy)
 Copyright 2001 Michele. All rights reserved.  I went to law school.