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The Story Of My Life
Title:  The Story Of My Life Pt. 4: Angel Eyes
Author: Chad Skywalker
Fandom: X-Files
Pairing: M/K
Spoilers: Nothing too earthshattering
Rating: PG
Beta: special thanks to Bertina
Disclaimer: All familiar characters are owned by CC,
1013 and Fox. ABBA lyrics written by Benny Andersson and Bjorn Ulvaeus. Any similiarity between Anne the good-hearted waitress and Debbie from Queer As Folk is purely coincedental.
Feedback: Always welcome Chad_Skywalker@webtv.net
Archive:  Yes, please
Summary: Note:This chapter also contains a few lines from ABBA's "I Am The City."
Each chapter of this WIP story is based on the
beautiful music of ABBA. I've woven a story around my favorite songs, and I really hope that everyone likes it. 

Dedication: For Michele


The ferocity of the strobing lights caught Mulder's
dancing form on the club's smoky floor. The
combination of one too many strawberry daquiris and a
highly charged libido resulted in the handsome agent
gyrating with almost every man in the building.

Without a care in the world, Mulder went from one
sweat soaked hunk to the next. The earlier words of
Mr. Flirty causing him to cast inhibition aside and
stop being so damned stuffy. Yes, he'd gone through a
terrible break-up a month ago -- but hey, it was time
he moved on with his life. And in Fox Mulder's
opinion, the easiest way to do that was forget
everything in the arms of one of the many studs
surrounding him.

Then why did he have a sense of wrongness over these
actions? And why the hell couldn't he get Alex Krycek
out of his mind? He actually felt himself go a bit
weak in the knees at a pair of electric green eyes
shining in the semi-darkness. They belonged to some young
blonde-headed man, but something about those eyes
reminded him of Alex -- the rat bastard who betrayed
him and stole his heart.

Mulder turned away and tried to lose himself in the
music and swaying bodies. No matter how hard he tried,
he simply could not stop thinking about those eyes...

Even when a trick anxious to feast upon his body
offered to take him into a back room, Mulder couldn't
bring himself to do it. Those gleaming Russian eyes
pierced into his thoughts and right to the center of
his soul. He had to get out of here... get some fresh

Mulder nearly burst through the club doors, and took
several deep cleansing breaths. Reaching out, he held
onto the brick wall for support. His head swam dizzily
but the night air was a great help compared to the enclosed club. He watched his breath exhale and evaporate. Why the hell couldn't he stop fixating on Krycek? He swore to himself that all of that was behind him.

Moving along, Mulder began to wander throughout the
District. His blurred senses taking in the hotels, the
bars, the funny smells, the cars, the people...
Anything to take his mind off a broken heart which he
thought had hardened. How was he ever supposed to move
on if every man with green eyes reminded him of Alex?

He paused before a quaint cafe. For the love of Pete,
he needed to sober up a bit, that was it! Ordering a
cup of coffee -- black -- he slid up onto a stool. He
took a couple of careful sips from the hot 
liquid. Nearby, an old-style jukebox played an angelic
harmony which was quite a contrast from the driving
techno which bombarded him at the club. It eased his
being, his heart slowed to a steady, patient rhythm
and his thoughts began to clear.

Mulder noted that the cafe was nearly empty. Just him
and a very friendly waitress named Anne. For the first
time, he looked out of a side window to find a park
outside. He hadn't realized he was so close to the

'Man, I must've really been out of it,' he thought.
He'd walked a long way... in fact, he was near his own

Swallowing the remains of the coffee, the ever
diligent Anne quickly refilled the china cup. It was
then that Mulder just about fell off the bar stool. He
blinked repeatedly, not believing his own eyes. For
walking along the river was none other than Alex

He peered intently, noticing that his former lover was
with a young girl. Who was that? Miranda! Alex's
friend, Miranda. Mulder shivered at the look Krycek
gave her. He recognized it immediately as the one Alex
used whenever he talked about him. If only Miranda
knew what he was really like. I should just walk
right up to her and tell her about the games he likes
to play! 'God, he looks so gorgeous in the

"Damnit!" Mulder muttered under his breath.

This caught Anne's attention. "Honey, who broke your
heart?" she asked, popping a piece of bubblegum.

"Huh? What?" It took a few moments for Mulder to
return to reality.

"I've seen that look a thousand times," she replied as
she wiped the counter. "Oh, if I only had a nickel for
every story I've heard."

Mulder shaded his eyes. "Am I that obvious?"

She smirked and slapped a towel across the counter.
"Spill it, hon."

"Do you see that guy out there?" he asked, leaning in

"You mean the dark looker? Yeah, I bet he's left a
trail of broken hearts in his time."

Mulder sighed heavily. "You wouldn't happen to know a
cure for that, would you?"

"Aww, sweetie. He hurt a good looking guy like you?
Well, all I can say is that it's his loss!"

Blushing profusely, Mulder looked down into his
coffee. Anne nudged his shoulder. "C'mon, starshine, I
bet there's some special guy out there just dreaming
of meeting someone like you."

"You think so?"

"Darlin', I know so!" She nodded toward the window.
"Now tell me, what exactly happened between you and

"When I first met him, I knew there was something
between us. I really didn't like him at first. But one
look into those eyes, and wham!"

"You were hypnotized?" she finished for him, snapping
her fingers.


"Been there a few times myself."

Mulder shook his head sadly. "It all happened so fast.
One minute I thought I was in paradise, then the next
I find he was just using me. It's like he was two
different people, wearing a disguise for my benefit."
He pounded the countertop with his fist. "I just dove
in too deep."

Anne furrowed her brow, and with a mother's touch, ran
a hand gently across Mulder's cheek. "No, no, no,
starshine, it's not your fault."

Propping his head up, Mulder pooched out his lips.
"You know, it's when I'm feeling lonely that I really
start thinking of him again."

"How long has it been?"

"Just a month. It just hurts to remember all the good
times we shared."

"That's only natural, hon. You've got to give your
heart time to heal."

"You know, when I looked out and saw him again I had
to wonder why does the pain come back just because I
see him?"

Anne regarded him curiously. "You know what I think?"

Mulder shook his head no.

"I think you still haven't gotten over the guy."

Mulder started to protest, but he had another flash of
those eyes. Alex Krycek could still make him crazy.
Aargh! "What the hell is wrong with me?" he asked,

Anne ruffled his hair. "Absolutely nothing. You've
just got some unresolved feelings. I can see it in
your eyes that you've got a big heart, and you've just
got to give it to the right person."

Mulder snorted. "Once I gave it to him and now I'm
paying the price."

"Before you know it, you'll be ready to love again. I

Despite his conflicting emotions, Mulder gave Anne a
prize-winning grin. "Are you sure you don't moonlight
as a shrink?" he asked, slyly.

"Oh, honey, if I did, I'd have better tips," she

Leaving Anne a healthy tip, Mulder thanked her and
headed out of the cafe's door. Waving the crisp bills
to cool herself off, Anne watched him go. "Whew!" she
sighed, getting a gander at starshine's backside.

Sticking his hands into his coat pockets, Mulder took
a few tentative steps beyond the cafe. Now, there was
absolutely no sign of Alex. Where did he go? And what
was he doing in this part of town? Mulder chided his
own analytical thinking and decided it was time to go
home, get in bed, and start afresh in the morning.

If only he could stop thinking about those angeleyes...

===== The Lyrics =====

(B. Andersson, B. Ulvaeus)
taken from ABBA: Voulez-Vous

Keep thinking about those angeleyes
I keep thinking

Last night I was taking a walk along the river
When I saw him together with a young girl
And the look that he gave her made me shiver
'Cause he always used to look at me that way
And I thought maybe I should walk right up to her and
It's a game he likes to play

Look into his angeleyes
One look and you're hypnotized
He'll take your heart
And you must pay the price
Look into his angeleyes
You'll think you're in paradise
And one day you'll find out he wears a disguise
Don't look too deep into those angeleyes
Oh, no, no, no, no

Keep thinking about his angeleyes
I keep thinking

Sometimes when I'm lonely
I sit and think about him
And it hurts to remember all the good times
When I thought I could never live without him
And I wonder does it have to be the same
Everytime when I see him
Will it bring back all the pain
How can I forget that name

Look into his angeleyes
One look and you're hypnotized
He'll take your heart
And you must pay the price
Look into his angeleyes
You'll think you're in paradise
And one day you'll find out he wears a disguise
Don't look too deep into those angeleyes

Crazy about his angeleyes
Once he took my heart
And now I pay the price
Look into his angeleyes
You'll think you're in paradise
And one day you'll find out he wears a disguise
Don't look too deep into those angeleyes
Oh, no, no, no, no

Keep thinking
Keep thinking about his angeleyes
Keep thinking
Keeping thinking I had to pay the price...

© 1979 Polar Music International AB



Mom, Don't Go Here (Kai, that goes for you too)
Write me, damn you (but be gentle... I bruise easy)
 Copyright 2001 Michele. All rights reserved.  I went to law school.