Louis: Did Mike and Harvey break up, break up?

Louis: There are two things I hold sacred in this world: Uniballs and bran bars.

“By accident, on purpose.. The really important thing is.. is that I’m taller than you. Yeah.”

Donna: “The dimple in your tie’s too far to the left, which, you know, it might be OK for Louis, but that says that your mind is on something else. Mr. Sherman’s called 136 times, you’ve never called him back... Which means you’re feeling guilty and you’re trying to compensate."
“I’m not trying to..."
“I didn’t say over-compensate."
“As long as we’re clear."
Donna: “
The only time I’ve ever seen you wear lavender was when your brother was in the hospital. You’re feeling protective in an older brother manner... Whoa. Either your mother somehow appeared in your life or Jessica found out about Mike!"  

Donna: “You got overwhelmed with a wave of emotion you didn’t see coming. You cried and you let him stay."
Harvey: “No. I saw the amount of work I’d have to go through to replace him and decided against it."
Donna: “Did you see the amount of work through a pool of tears?"
Harvey: “Are you finished?"
Donna: “Can I get you anything? Tissue? Glass of water? Tampon?"

Harvey: “He goes, I go.”

: I hear someone's not taking their pills.
Mike's Grandmother: Because they're trying to poison me.
Mike: Grammy, that's crazy. Dr. Shrager gave me her word that she wouldn't poison you until January. If she does it before then, she can't count it towards next year's quota.

Harvey: This is good. We're gonna have some fun.
Mike: We? I get to go?
Harvey: You didn't think I'd let you come along?
Mike: No.
Harvey: Good instinct. I wasn't, but then I thought it would be cruel not to let you witness my greatness.

Mike: Donna, can you show me how to fill out a subpoena?
Donna: Absolutely. After that, you want me to show you how to wipe your ass?
Harvey: That's funny because he should already know how to do both those things.
Mike: Ah, yeah, that's hilarious.

Harvey: I'm not about caring; I'm about winning.
Mike: Why can't you be about both?
Harvey: I'd explain it to you, but then I'd have to care about you.

Harvey: Jessica, if you hadn't done as much for me as you have, I'd be heading for the door.
Jessica: If I hadn't done as much for you as I have, I'd be throwing you out the window.

Louis: It's 9:30. Nice for you to show up two hours after we open for business. And I see that you're also trying to look like a pimp.
Harvey: My bad, Louis. I was out late last night, and when I woke up this was the suit your wife picked out for me.
Louis: And that would be funny if I was actually married.

Donna [to Rahim]: I know you meant that as a compliment, but I don't appreciate limits being placed on my beauty.

Mike: Does this mean we’re officially a team now?
Harvey: I wouldn’t move your things into Wayne Manor just yet.
Mike: So now you’re Batman?
Harvey: Closer to him them Clemenza
Mike: Oh, yeah. Kilmer.
Harvey: Clooney
Both: Keaton.

: Donna, I need the— (she hands him an envelope) —also I didn’t have a chance to— (she hands him a cup of coffee) Marry Me?
Donna: I took care of that too. We’ve been married for the last seven years.
Harvey: Excellent.

Harvey: You took Mike Ross on a field trip today?
Louis: Yeah.
Harvey: Aside from subjecting him to you in a towel, what happened?

Harvey[to Mike]: I need you to babysit the client for a while. If she asks you any questions about the deal, nod your head and look pretty.

Harvey: If you keep talking, I'm gonna start billing you, and my time runs a thousand dollars an hour.
Mike: But isn't this our time, Mr. Hand?
Harvey: I stand corrected. Your Fast Times at Ridgemont High quote proves you belong at the adult table.
Mike: Hey, that's a great movie and it spoke to a generation.

Harvey: You did let him win, right?
Mike: Wasn't easy. The guy has the co-ordination of a two-year-old.
Harvey: I know. The last time the venture capitalist came in, I took him boxing to calm him down. I basically had to punch myself in the face to let him win.

Mike: I think we need into hack into Harvard's system or something, put my records in.
Harvey: Can't I'm busy this weekend. I have to break into Fort Knox. I have to return some dubloons I stole.

Louis: So what is this new cologne the scent of jealousy?
Harvey: You don't recognize your wife's perfume? I know, you're not married. Still funny.

Harvey: Take the drama down a notch, Juliet.

Donna: I’m not some token you win at a fair, Louis.
Louis: You’re not — I know you’re not. You’re not a token.
Donna: I’m a human being, and I —
Louis: Yes, you are.
Donna: I’m sorry, I just — you know that just made me feel really… cheap. I —.
Louis: Now I’m just trying to tell you that you’re good at what you do Donna. So I’m gonna ask you-
Donna: It’s like my soul, hurts, now.
Louis: No! Donna listen, even if your soul hurts a little bit-
Donna: I’m sorry. *sobs*
Louis: It’s okay, it’s gonna be fine. Don’t cry, please don’t cry Donna. Oh shit. *leaves*
Donna: *looks up* I think I owe you one for that, that was fun.
Harvey: Wait a second, that time that you cried and then I let your parents stay at my condo?
Donna: … Yup.

harvey: the firm has presented an exercise where there’s potential for failure, okay? all i’m saying is — try and create a situation where that’s not even a possibility. kobayashi maru.
mike:  …koba—what now?
harvey:  star trek. captain kirk. he wins a no-win situation by rewriting the rules.
mike: you’re a trekkie.
harvey: hey! captain kirk is the man, okay? i don’t want to hear another word about him. now, enough with your fake law problem, let’s deal with my real one.
mike: aye, aye, captain.

MIKE: You didn’t doubt her for a second?
HARVEY: I didn’t doubt her for a second. I doubted her for days.

Did you get it?
Donna: Picked it up yesterday.
Harvey: Did you sleep with it under your pillow?
Donna: How I sleep is none of your concern.
Harvey: Yeah, neither is the Yankees’ batting order, but that doesn’t stop me from thinking about it.

Mike: Oh, my God.
Donna: Sorry.
Mike: Are you- No, no, no. It’s okay. Here. No, no, no. You don’t have to talk. Shh, shh, shh. It’s okay. It’s okay. He says things sometimes and they
cut to the bone. He does it to me too. I know, so…
Donna: [she stops crying] It’s not bad, right? I can also do the Demi Moore single tear, left eye or right eye, if that’s better for the character.
Mike: Okay, I’m scared. What’s going on?
Donna: If I’m gonna play Lena Lunders for you I need to be able to use my full range of emotions.
Mike: Oh, my God. I love you.
Donna: Yeah, I know.

Jessica: Your ego's writing checks that your body can't cash. Oh, that's funny because now I'm quoting Top Gun.

Mike: Let me Guess, Harvey was...
Rachel: Legendary...

Mike: If I hit this button, I call Michael Jordan.
Harvey: That's kinda how a phone works.

Mike: I thought you were against emotions.
Harvey: I'm against having emotions, not using them.
