Dribble, Drabble, Drouble By Michele (starshine24mc@yahoo.com)
Rating: NC17
Fandom: Top Gear
Pairing: J/J, Je/R , more to follow
Date: February 20,2010
Beta: none
Spoilers: none
Boring but necessary disclaimer: I don’t own the TG3, nor do I own any real people with the same names.
Archive: Top Gear Slash, all others ask.
Feedback: Yes, PLEASE!
Summary:  A Top Gear Slash challenge that goes like this:
For the purposes of this game:
A dribble = 50 words
A drabble = 100 words
A drouble = 200 words.
Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to reply to this with either a dribble, a drabble or a drouble. Anything goes as far as content (as long as it's TG slash, obviously; slashing the TG3 with other people is also fine). Unless you're including them in the fic, the prompts themselves do not count towards your word count.
Your prompts for this challenge are:

1. 'A Charming Man'
2. 'Again and Again'
3. 'Alien'
4. 'Amazement'
5. 'Antiquated Notions'
6. 'Anything Goes'.

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3. Amazement

The Veyron let him out, smugly still, watching as his equilibrium, still badly out of whack, made him stagger.

Jeremy was there, to catch his arm, and Hammond, too, bouncing and grinning a few steps away.

“That was amazing!” Richard exclaimed.

Jeremy smiled at him, kissed him. “You are amazing.”


6. Anything Goes

There were no cameras, no audience.  The tarmac looked tired; the grass around Gambon was unkempt. The tire stacks were toppled like Mayan ruins, and it all felt frozen in time, waiting for a race that might never come. Top Gear was in limbo…

Jeremy stood in the grass and watched as the Porsche came around the track again with barely a hint of understeer; a testament to car and driver. He had known he’d find Richard here. This time, the car shot past, ruffling his jacket and his hair, then brakes were applied. It slid to a stop some yards away, exhaust pluming from it like a winded sprinter.

Jeremy walked to the car, deciding on the best course of action.

Hammond made the decision for him. Jeremy opened the door and found his lover sobbing into the wheel. Jeremy pulled him out and Richard transferred his ten-and-two grip to Jeremy’s shoulders.

Jeremy petted him, and Richard wailed: “I like driving fast cars. I’m good at it. How can anyone oppose that?” He pulled back, his wet eyes begging Jeremy to fix this. “I want our show back!”

“You’ll have it,” Jeremy embraced him and kissed his hair. “Promise.”
