Home of the Goddess
Home-->Mom, Don't Go Here
Incarnations of the Goddess
Dot's Poetry Corner
How I Spent My Summer Vacation
Title:  Part 23: I'm Coming Home
Author: Goddess Michele
Fandom: X-Files
Pairing: M/Sk
Spoilers: some season 8, Existence mostly, little ones for Empedocles and Je Souhaite, I’ll let ya know if there’s anything else.
Rating: S for shmoop, G for gawd I've got cavities!
Beta: none, but all comments and suggestions are welcome!
Disclaimer: Boring but necessary disclaimer: C.C., Fox and 1013 own them, I’m just borrowing them for fun, not profit, and I promise to return them only slightly bruised, but in that good 'thank you sir and may I have another?' way.
Feedback: Yes, PLEASE! starshine24mc@yahoo.com
Archive:  put it wherever you like, just leave my name on it
and notes:
--You knew it had to come to an end sometime, folks—just the epilogue left after this. A long chapter, but a heartfelt homecoming takes a few extra words. WARNING: shmoop of biblical proportions! 
--What was I thinking, trying to make another tape at work—the boys took over this one too. Not sure how to describe this story—it's told in different styles, with different POVS. I guess it's an experiment…

“Hi honey, we’re home!” Mulder exclaimed, knocking once on the door, then pushing it open with no further preamble.

“Mulder!” The pretty redhead launched herself at her former partner, fairly leaping across the room and into his waiting arms. So exuberant was her welcome that she nearly knocked him into Skinner, who was standing closely behind him.

“Whoa, Scully, I missed you, too.” And as his arms went around her, he realized just how true that statement was.

He hugged her tight, and she reached up to press a fervent kiss to his lips.

When Mulder straightened up, Scully seemed to notice Skinner for the first time, and she easily extended her warm smile of welcome to include him.

“Walter; welcome home. You didn’t feed him to the goats.”

Her words dissipated any discomfort he had been feeling as he had played witness to the Mulder/Scully dynamic.

Scully shoved Mulder gracelessly into the living room, still smiling at Walter, then reached up to put her arms around the older man. He smiled and returned the hug a little awkwardly.

“No,” he replied softly, “I didn’t feed him to the goats.”

“I’m glad.”

“Hello! Potential ‘goat food’ still in the room.” Mulder mock whined, and Scully and Skinner turned to him with matching grins.

Scully reached him first, looked like she might hug him again, then brought her hand up to cup the side of his face.

“When did you get back?”

“This morning. We only stopped twice the whole way back. I think my ass is chafed from that damned truck seat, and I’m surprised we didn’t wind up in a ditch somewhere.”

“Oh, Mulder—“

“I wouldn’t have let that happen, Dana.” Walter said gruffly, sounding almost offended that either one of them would suggest that he couldn’t take care of Mulder.

Mulder moved quickly back to the door, where Walter was still standing, holding a large shopping bag and toeing off his shoes.

“Of course you wouldn’t, big guy,” he whispered as he brushed a kiss across his cheek and relieved him of the bag.

Scully interrupted smoothly, asking, “Have you eaten?”

Skinner saw a quick flash of guilt cross his lover’s face, and he realized that he wasn’t the first person to ever nag Mulder over his poor eating habits.

“We crashed as soon as we got in. Then we got up, made ourselves presentable for mixed company, and here we are,” Mulder explained.

“Well, I was just going to order pizza, but you guys are more than welcome to stay—in fact, I insist on it.”

“Are you still ordering from Triple Eight?”

Skinner didn’t understand why Mulder sounded both amused and suspicious, or why Scully was suddenly blushing.

A muted cry from the bedroom interrupted the moment.

“Saved by the bell,” said Scully.

“His master’s voice,” said Mulder.

Scully left the room, and Mulder sat down on the couch.  He patted the cushion next to him and waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Skinner rolled his eyes, but didn’t hesitate to sit down next to Mulder, who immediately rearranged himself to fit comfortably in the curve of Walter’s arm.

“Sorry about that,” he said.

“About what?”

“Scully and I. Sometimes we get a little self-absorbed.”

“It’s understandable.”

From the other room came another cry, this one sounding petulant and demanding, and then they could hear Scully making soothing noises.

“Billy-Boy there sounds suspiciously surly,” said Mulder.

Skinner frowned. “Why do I get the idea that was aimed at me?”

Mulder grinned and snuggled in closer.

“Well, he’s got your looks, why should it come as such a surprise that he has your demeanor?”

“I’m not the father, Mulder.” He spoke slowly and with emphasis, as if addressing a not-particularly-bright child.

“Maybe not,” Mulder replied. “But you were the butchest thing in the closest proximity to the fetus. That has to count for something.” He tipped his head back and grinned saucily.

Skinner gave him a skeptical look.

“Masculinity through osmosis?”

“There are precedents for it in nature, Walter. The poisonous frogs of Southern Sri Lanka, for example.”

Skinner knew he was being played, and opted to go along with it, feeling too good to do otherwise.

“Only one problem with your theory, Doctor Mulder,” he said.

“And what would that be, *Mister* Skinner?”



I can think of one or two examples of “close proximity” that should have turned you into a construction worker by now, instead of the man who, if memory serves me, got all misty-eyed over a Pedigree commercial tonight.”

“Ah, nice. Abuse.” Mulder gave him his best pout. “What happened to ‘I love you, Puppy’, or ‘I can’t live without you, Puppy’, or—“

Skinner leaned in close and whispered harshly in his ear. “Tighten that ass, Puppy.”

It was so unexpected, so completely out of character for the older man, that for a moment, Mulder was at a total loss for words and could only blink stupidly, mouth agape. Skinner hugged him tightly, laughing at his dumbfounded expression.

Mulder pushed his arms off of him, trying to look stern and disgusted, but not quite pulling it off.

“Tighten--?! Christ, Walter, I don’t know if I’m more offended by your incredibly bad Jeff Stryker impression, or by the implication of your words.”

“Who’s Jeff Stryker?”

This comment earned him a sharp poke in the ribs as Mulder tried to scoot away from him. Quick to recover, though, Skinner wrapped him in a bear hug, which he kept up despite Mulder’s increased struggles.

“Let me go!” Outrage and laughter mixed in his voice. “Asshole!  I mean it!”

“Now who’s surly?” Skinner was laughing too. “Maybe you did absorb some testosterone after all.”

“Shut up!”

“Next thing you know, you’ll be losing your hair.”

“Oh, man, that’s it! I know someone who’s sleeping on the couch tonight, Walter, and for a change, it’s not gonna be me!”

“Ooh, tough puppy! Am I supposed to feel threatened?”  As he spoke, he experimented with combining hugs and tickles and Mulder yelped and laughed and swore.

“Aah!! You want threats, you bastard? Do the words ‘worst case of blue balls in the universe’ mean anything to you?” With a mighty lunge, Mulder jerked himself out of Skinner’s embrace. Unfortunately, such was the strength it took to escape that he found himself flying right off the couch to land on the floor, ass first, with a thud.

Skinner was red-faced with laughter; he doubled over when Mulder hit the floor; and he was nearly hysterical when Mulder looked up from his dubious position at Scully, who was grinning at him while William simply goggled sleepily in her arms. 

Scully tried to frown, managed to arch an eyebrow.

“Blue balls, Mulder?”

No reply was going to save him, and he knew it. So he simply glowered at Skinner, who had removed his glasses to wipe away tears of mirth, tried to ignore the heated blush he could feel staining his cheeks, and slowly stood, pulling the shreds of his dignity around himself and focusing his attention on the one innocent in the room.

“Hey, Billy, how you doin’?” He and Scully exchanged a look, and she carefully placed the baby in his arms.

“There’s juice in the fridge for him,” Scully told him. “And wine for us. Why don’t you help him, Walter, and I’ll get the pizza ordered.

“That sounds good, Dana.” Skinner stood up and moved in behind Mulder, paused to smile down at William, then whispered in his lover’s ear. “Forgive?”

“Blue balls, Skinman. Don’t forget it.” But his tone was teasing.


Hours later, Skinner poured the last of a third bottle of wine into Scully’s glass, and Mulder was poking about the shattered debris of supper, making sure he hadn’t overlooked an errant mushroom. William sat contentedly in his playpen, his attention flipping back and forth between his new stuffed dog and the novelty of his own toes. A fire burned low and comforting in the fireplace, and some odd seventies soundtrack murmured in the background.

“…and I’ve seen blue skies, through the tears in my eyes, and I realize…”

“Thank you, Walter.” Scully sipped her wine and thought she should feel drunk, but felt content instead. Content, and full. “I am never going to get my figure back,” she complained half-heartedly to no one.

Walter set the empty bottle on the coffee table, and sat down on the couch, reaching out one hand to rest on Mulder’s shoulder. The younger man sat back against Skinner’s legs with a sigh.

“What are you talking about, Scully? You look great,” he said.

“Flatterer.” She seemed pleased with the compliment, though.

With the suddenness of the very young or very drunk, William tipped himself over with a thump and let out a startled yelp. Scully stood up immediately, but Skinner beat her to the playpen. William was wailing loudly now, until Walter picked him up with practiced ease, saying “Hey, what’s the problem here, little guy?”

William blinked solemnly at him, and gave a last uncertain cry, and Skinner wiped a tear off of one soft pink cheek. 

“I think somebody’s getting tired,” said Scully.

“Maybe a little, but I’m fine,” replied Mulder. Scully laughed and both she and Skinner rolled their eyes.

“I should put him down for the night. He doesn’t always sleep through, but I think we’ve worn him out.” She moved forward to take the baby from Skinner, but he waved her away.

“Sharon and I never quite made the parental leap, but I think I can probably tuck in one tired little boy.” At this he glanced over at Mulder, who nodded a sarcastic thanks to this latest cheap shot. Then holding the baby close to his chest, he scooped up William’s newest toy, and turned down the hallway. William looked back at his mother and Mulder over Walter’s shoulder, and raised one chubby hand in a sleepy wave.

Mulder and Scully exchanged a surprised smile.

“Cute kid,” Mulder deadpanned. 

“I never knew, Mulder. Not with Bill’s kids, not even with Emily. I never knew how it would really feel. And now…” She paused, and Mulder could have sworn she was glowing. Then she seemed to come back to herself, and a little spark of mischief snuck into her smile.

“So, Mulder, camping in Canada. What’s next—snorkeling in Lake Okobogee? Maybe dune buggy racing at Area 51?”

Mulder laughed, then leaned forward, and spoke almost too low for Scully to hear.

“I’d do it if he wanted to.”

Scully didn’t reply right away. Instead, she got up from her chair and sat down on the couch instead. Mulder got up from the floor and joined her. 

“Is he all right?” Scully asked. “Did he find whatever it was he needed to find?”

“I think we both did, Scully,” he replied. He suddenly looked thoughtful, and Scully put her tiny hand in his. “It’s like you and William,” he continued, “I thought I knew what we had, what was going on, what I was supposed to be feeling. But now…” He squeezed her hand and she smiled encouragingly at him. “Jesus, Scully, I really love him.”

“He’s been good for you, Mulder,” she replied.

“Why do I have this incredible urge to say “he completes me” while Bruce Springsteen plays softly in the background.” He grinned almost sheepishly. 

“Because I made you watch that movie ten times the year I bought it.”

“If you start quoting Caddyshack, Scully, I’m taking back the presents.” 

They shared a laugh, and then he sobered again and quietly said, “We’re going to find a house.”

“Oh, Mulder, I’m so happy for you.” Scully let go of his hand and hugged him instead.

When she released him, they sat quietly together for a moment, savoring each others victories in their ‘best-friends-no-need-for-words way. The moment ended when Scully yawned.

“Sorry, Mulder, it’s not the company,” she said.

“No, I’m sorry. You must be beat. I may not know about the joys of parenthood, but I suspect Billy there probably has you going 24-7.” He stood up. “I’ll go get the man, and we’ll get outta here.”

“I’m not so tired,” she lied, and another yawn gave her away.

“Yeah, right.” He gave her a warm look, and for just a moment she remembered a completely self-absorbed maverick agent who would never have given her sleep requirements a second thought. Or his own, for that matter, and she said a silent thank you to the man who had brought about this fundamental healthy change in her friend.

“Sorry, what?” She realized he’d spoken while she was woolgathering, and she’d missed it.

“I said, do you want to have lunch tomorrow? It’s still supposed to be nice out. Maybe we could take William to the park.”

“Maybe hit the quitting bench?” she asked.

He laughed. “Sure. We’ll give Billy the X-Files tour of Washington.” He left the room on the soft wave of her laughter.


Mulder stopped in the doorway of the bedroom and smiled fondly at the scene before him. 

Skinner was leaning over the crib, apparently fussing with blankets and sheets, and Mulder suspected he was checking for hospital corners. The baby was making soft, contented noises, and Mulder thought he knew exactly how he felt.

“There you go, baby.” Skinner was speaking quietly, and Mulder leaned forward a little to hear him. “Bottle, check. Puppy, check. Fresh diaper, double check. That should keep you through the night.” A pause, and he did something that made William giggle, then his tone took on something soft and serious that made Mulder take notice.

“You don’t know how good you’ve got it here, William,” he said. “You’ve got food, clothing, shelter, all free, I might add. You’ve got a mother who loves you very, very much. And you’ve even got two uncles who are going to spoil you rotten.” Mulder could hear the smile in his voice. “You’re a very special little boy,” he continued. “And you don’t ever forget that. Life isn’t always kind, although I hope it’s a very long time before you have to find that out. I wish it wasn’t so, but it is. Not everyone is going to be your friend. Not everyone is going to be honest with you, or kind, or even give a damn. But when that happens, I want you to remember this: You have a mother who is good and honest and kind and will do anything she has to for the people she loves. For you.”

Mulder swallowed the lump in his throat.

“And your Uncle Fox. Oh, boy, you couldn’t ask for better. Know this, William: You have an uncle who is going to be there for you, no matter the cause. He’ll believe in you, fight for you, care for you like no one else. You might not even realize it. Hell, you might even resent it. But in the end, you’ll find out there’s no one else like him. And no matter what people might tell you about him, or about both of us, I suppose, I just hope you come to realize what you’ve got.” A pause. “Like I did.” Another pause, and the baby broke the silence with a burp.

“I couldn’t have said it better myself.” The humour was back in Skinner’s voice. He bent down and gave William a kiss. “Just remember not to call him Fox.”

Tears threatening, Mulder backed away before he could be discovered. As he headed back to the living room, he swiped at his eyes and rearranged his expression into something less emotional, although he couldn’t completely hide the smile. 


Mom, Don't Go Here (Kai, that goes for you too)
Write me, damn you (but be gentle... I bruise easy)
 Copyright 2001 Michele. All rights reserved.  I went to law school.